Publications Banner

... from the Aquatic Geomicrobiology Team

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Image: Nils Küsel

Our Complete List

  • Early View

    Raab, S., Castro-Morales K., Hildebrandt A., Heimann M., Vonk J.E., Zimov N., Göckede M. (2023). Small-scale hydrological patterns in a Siberian permafrost ecosystem affected by drainage. Biogeosciences Discussion (preprint), DOI: 10.5194/bg-2023-156External link

    Speth D.R., Zeller L.M., Graf J.S., Overholt W.A.Küsel K., Milucka J. (2024) Genetic potential for aerobic respiration and denitrification in globally distributed respiratory endosymbionts. Preprint: bioRxiv: 2024.02.19.580942. Doi: link


  • 2024

    Castro-Morales K., Canning A., Arzberger S., Kaiser J., Overholt W.A., Sellmaier S., Khodabakhshi N., Redlich S., Marca A., Kolle O., Göckede M., Wichard T., Küsel K., Körtzinger A., Zimov N.S. (2024) Aquatic productivity signals in the Kolyma River (northeastern Siberia) from O2/Ar ratios and O2 triple isotopologues. ESS Open Archive, July 11, 2024. DOI: 10.22541/essoar.172072703.30854664/v1External link

    Chaudhari N.M., Pérez-Carrascal O.M., Overholt W.A., Totsche K.U., Küsel K. (2024). Genome streamlining in Parcubacteria transitioning from soil to groundwater. Environmental Microbiome 19, 41 (2024).DOI: link 

    DeDe Man K.W., Hermans S. M., Taubert M., Garcia S. L., HengojuS., Küsel K., Rosenbaum M.A. (2024) Enrichment of different taxa of the enigmatic candidate phyla radiation bacteria using a novel picolitre droplet technique. ISME Communications, Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2024. DOI: link

    Lehnert A.-S., Cooper R.E., Ignatz R., Ruecker A., Gomes-Alves E., Küsel K., Pohnert G., Trumbore S.E. (2024) Dimethyl sulfide emissions from a peatland result more from organic matter degradation than sulfate reduction. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 129, e2023JG007449. Doi: link

    Razi S., Tarcea N., Henkel T., Ravikumar R., Pistiki A., Wagenhaus A., Girnus S., Taubert M., Küsel K., Rösch P., Popp J. (2024) Raman-Activated, Interactive Sorting of Isotope-Labeled Bacteria. Sensors 2024, 24(14), 4503. DOI: link

    Sharma A., Taubert M., Pérez-Carrascal O.M., Lehmann R., Ritschel T., Totsche K.U., Lazar C.S., Küsel K. (2024) Iron coatings on carbonate rocks shape the attached bacterial aquifer community. Science of The Total Environment, Vol. 917, 170384. Doi: link

  • 2023

    Cooper R.E., Finck J., Chan C., Küsel K. (2023) Mixotrophy broadens the ecological niche range of the iron oxidizer Sideroxydans sp. CL21 isolated from an iron-rich peatland. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, Vol. 99, Issue 2, fiac156, DOI: link

    Gorniak L., Bechwar J., Westermann M., Steiniger F., Wegner C.E. (2023) Different lanthanide elements induce strong gene expression changes in a lanthanide-accumulating methylotroph. Microbiology Spectrum. link

    Heinze B.M., Küsel K., Jehmlich N., von Bergen M., Taubert M. (2023) Metabolic versatility enables sulfur-oxidizers to dominate primary production in groundwater. Water Research 244: 120426. DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2023.120426External link

    Herrmann M., Lehmann K., Totsche K.U., Küsel K. (2023) Seepage-mediated export of bacteria from soil is taxon-specific and driven by seasonal infiltration regimes. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, Vol. 187. link

    Krüger M., Chaudhari N., Thamdrup B., Overholt W., Bristow L., Taubert M., Küsel K., Jehmlich N., Von Bergen M., Herrmann M. (2023) Differential contribution of nitrifying prokaryotes to groundwater nitrification. The ISME Journal, 2023. DOI: link

    Lazar C.S., Schwab V.F., Ueberschaar N., Pohnert G., Trumbore S.E., Küsel K. (2023) Microbial degradation and assimilation of veratric acid in oxic and anoxic groundwaters. Frontiers in Microbiology, Vol. 14. link

    Wegner C.E., Stahl R., Velsko I., Hübner A., Fagernäs Z., Warinner C., Lehmann R., Ritschel T., Totsche K.U., Küsel K. (2022) A glimpse of the paleome in endolithic microbial communities. Microbiome, 11 (1), 1-18. DOI: 10.1186/s40168-023-01647-2External link

  • 2022

    Akinyede R., Taubert M., Schrumpf M., Trumbore S., Küsel K. (2022) Temperature sensitivity of dark CO2 fixation in temperate forest soils. Biogeosciences Discussions, Vol. 19, issue 17. Doi: link

    Akinyede R., Taubert M., Schrumpf M., Trumbore S., Küsel K. (2022) Dark CO2 fixation in temperate beech and pine forest soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 165.
    Doi: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2021.108526External link

    Azemtsop Matanfack G., Taubert M., Reilly-Schott V., Küsel K., Rösch P., Popp J. (2022) Phenotypic Differentiation of Autotrophic and Heterotrophic Bacterial Cells Using Raman-D2O Labeling. Anal. Chem. Doi: 10.1021/acs.analchem.1c04097External link.

    Blohm A., Kumar S., Knebl A., Herrmann M., Küsel K., Popp J., Frosch T. (2022) Activity and electron donor preference of two denitrifying bacterial strains identified by Raman gas spectroscopy. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 414, 601-611.
    Doi:10.1007/s00216-021-03541-y External link

    Castro-Morales K., Canning A., Körtzinger A., Göckede M., Küsel K., Overholt W.A., Wichard T., Redlich S., Arzberger S., Kolle O., Zimov N. (2022a) Effects of reversal of water flow in an Arctic floodplain river on fluvial emissions of CO2 and CH4. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 127. Doi: 10.1029/2021JG006485External link.

    Castro-Morales K., Canning A., Arzberger S., Overholt W.A., Küsel K., Kolle O., Göckede M., Zimov N. and Körtzinger A. (2022b) Highest methane concentrations in an Arctic river linked to local terrestrial inputs. Biogeosciences, Vol. 19, issue 21, 5059-5077.
    Doi: 10.5194/bg-19-5059-2022.External link

    Geesink P., Taubert M., Jehmlich N., von Bergen M., Küsel K. (2022) Bacterial Necromass Is Rapidly Metabolized by Heterotrophic Bacteria and Supports Multiple Trophic Levels of the Groundwater Microbiome. ASM Journals, Microbiology Spectrum. Online ahead of print. Doi: 10.1128/spectrum.00437-22External link

    Herrmann M. and Taubert M. (2022) Biogeochemical Cycling of Carbon and Nitrogen in Groundwater—Key Processes and Microbial Drivers. In: T. Mehner, K. Tockner (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Inland Waters, Edition 2. Elsevier. 3482 p. ISBN: 9780128191668.External link

    Jurburg S.D.,Eisenhauer N., Buscot F., Chatzinotas A., Chaudhari N.M., Heintz-Buschart A., Kallies R., Küsel K., Litchman E., Macdonald C.A., Müller S., Reuben R.C., da Rocha U.N., Panagiotou G., Rillig M.C., Singh B.K. (2022) Potential of microbiome-based solutions for agrifood systems. Nat Food. Vol. 3, 557–560. Doi: 10.1038/s43016-022-00576-xExternal link

    Mielke L., Taubert M., Cesarzc S., Ruess L., Küsel K., Gleixner G., Lange M. (2022) Nematode grazing increases the allocation of plant-derived carbon to soil bacteria and saprophytic fungi, and activates bacterial species of the rhizosphere. Pedobiologia, 90, 150787, 0031-4056. Doi: 10.1016/j.pedobi.2021.150787External link

    Overholt W.A., Trumbore S., Xu X., Bornemann T.L.V., Probst A.J., Krüger M., Herrmann M., Thamdrup B., Bristow L.A., Taubert M., Schwab V.F., Hölzer M., Marz M., Küsel K. (2022) Carbon fixation rates in groundwater similar to those in oligotrophic marine systems. Nat. Geosci. Doi: 10.1038/s41561-022-00968-5External link

    Perez-Molphe-Montoya E., Küsel K., Overholt, W.A. (2022) Redefining the phylogenetic and metabolic diversity of phylum Omnitrophota. Environmental Microbiology, Vol. 24, Issue 11, 5437– 5449. Doi: link

    Potthast K., Tischer A., Herrmann M., Weinhold A., Küsel K., van Dam N.M., Michalzik B. (2022) Woolly beech aphid infestation reduces soil organic carbon availability and alters phyllosphere and rhizosphere bacterial microbiomes. Plant and Soil 473, 639-657.
    Doi: 10.1007/s11104-022-05317-4External link

    Savio D., Derx J., Lang R.-P., Kirschner A.K.T., Sommer R., Blaschke A.P., Küsel K., Farnleitner A.H. (2022) From Groundwater to Drinking Water—Microbiology of Karstic Water Resources. Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, Elsevier. Doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-819166-8.00181-XExternal link

    Schroeter S.A., Eveillard D., Chaffron S., Zoppi J., Kampe B., Lohmann P., Jehmlich N., von Bergen M., Sanchez-Arcos C., Pohnert G., Taubert M., Küsel K., Gleixner G. (2022). Microbial community functioning during plant litter decomposition. Scientific reports, 12(1), 7451. Doi:10.1038/s41598-022-11485-1External link

    Taubert M., Overholt W.A., Heinze B.M., Azemtsop G., Houhou R., Jehmlich N., von Bergen M., Rösch P., Popp J., Küsel K. (2022) Bolstering fitness via CO2 fixation and organic carbon uptake: mixotrophs in modern groundwater. ISME J. 16, 1153–1162.
    Doi: 10.1038/s41396-021-01163-xExternal link

    Then A., Ewald J., Söllner N., Cooper R.E., Küsel K., Ibrahim B., Schuster S. (2022) Agent-based modelling of iron cycling bacteria provides a framework for testing alternative environmental conditions and modes of action. R. Soc. open sci.9, 211553.
    Doi: 10.1098/rsos.211553External link.

    Xenophontos C., Harpole W.S., Küsel K., Clark A.T. (2022) Cheating Promotes Coexistence in a Two-Species One-Substrate Culture Model. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9. Doi: 10.3389/fevo.2021.786006External link

  • 2021

    Azemtsop Matanfack G., Taubert M., Guo S., Bocklitz T., Küsel K., Rösch P., Popp J. (2021) Monitoring deuterium uptake in single bacterial cells via two-dimensional Raman-correlation spectroscopy. Analytical Chemistry 93, 21, 7714-7723. Doi:10.1021/acs.analchem.1c01076External link

    Chaudhari N.M., Overholt W.A., Figueroa-Gonzalez P.A., Taubert M., Bornemann T.L.V., Probst A.J., Hölzer M., Marz M., Küsel K. (2021) The economical lifestyle of CPR bacteria in groundwater allows little preference for environmental drivers. Environmental Microbiome, 16, 24. Doi: 10.1186/s40793-021-00395-wExternal link

    Cooper R.E., Wegner C.E., Küsel K. (2021) Draft genome sequence of Pseudomonas sp. strain FEN, isolated from the Fe- and organic matter-rich Schlöppnerbrunnen fen. Microbiology Resource Announcements 10 (2) Doi:10.1128/MRA.01017-20External link

    Eisenhauer N., Buscot F., Heintz‐Buschart A., Jurburg S.D., Küsel K., Sikorski J., Vogel H.J., Guerra C.A. (2021) The multi-dimensionality of soil macroecology. Global Ecology and Biogeography 30 (1), 4-10 Doi:10.1111/geb.13211External link

    Graw J., Engelhardt H., Küsel K., Kruck D., Tinnefeld P., Sander J., Robatzek S., Schäberle T.F., Aichane K., Brochado A.R., Gerlach D. (2021) Journal Club. Biospektrum (Heidelb); 27(4):400-405. German. Doi: 10.1007/s12268-021-1601-9External link.

    Harris C.R., Akob D.M., Fabisch M., Beulig F., Woyke T., Shapiro N., Lapidus A., Klenk H.-P., Küsel K. (2021) Draft genome sequence of Bordetella sp. strain FB-8, isolated from a former uranium mining area in Germany. Microbiology Resource Announcements 10 (14) Doi:10.1128/MRA.01035-19External link

    Herrmann M., Geesink P., Richter R., Küsel K. (2021) Canopy position has a stronger effect than tree species identity on phyllosphere bacterial diversity in a floodplain hardwood forest. Microbial ecology 81 (1), 157-168 Doi:10.1007/s00248-020-01565-yExternal link

    Kidner J., Theodorou P., Engler J.O., Taubert M., Husemann M. (2021) A brief history and popularity of methods and tools used to estimate micro‐evolutionary forces. Ecology and evolution 11, 20. Doi: 10.1002/ece3.8076External link

    Krüger M., Potthast K., Michalzik B., Tischer A., Küsel K., Deckner, F. K., Herrmann M., (2021) Drought and rewetting events enhance nitrate leaching and seepage-mediated translocation of microbes from beech forest soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 154, 108153  Doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2021.108153External link 

    Li Q., Cooper R.E., Wegner C.E., Taubert M., Jehmlich N., von Bergen M., Küsel K. (2021) Insights into autotrophic activities and carbon flow in iron-rich pelagic aggregates (iron snow). Microorganisms 2021, 9, 1368  Doi:10.3390/microorganisms9071368External link

    Li Q., Cooper R.E., Wegner C.E., Lu S., Küsel K. (2021) Draft genome sequences of Acidithrix sp. strain C25 and Acidocella sp. strain C78, acidophiles isolated from iron-rich pelagic aggregates (iron snow). Microbiology Resource Announcements 10:e00102-21. Doi:10.1128/MRA.00102-21External link

    Wegner C.E., Westermann W., Steiniger F., Gorniak L., Budhraja R., Adrian L., Küsel  K. (2021) Extracellular and intracellular lanthanide accumulation in the methylotroph Beijerinckiaceae bacterium RH AL1. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 87(13). e03144-20. Doi:10.1128/AEM.03144-20External link

    Wu X., Liu P., Wegner C.E., Luo Y., Xiao K.Q., Cui Z., Zhang F., Liesack W., Peng, J. (2021) Deciphering microbial mechanisms underlying soil organic carbon storage in a wheat-maize rotation system. Science of the Total Environment, 788, 147798. Doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.147798External link

    Xenophontos C., Taubert M., Harpole W.S., Küsel K. (2021) Phylogenetic and metabolic diversity have contrasting effects on the ecological functioning of bacterial communities. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 97 (3), fiab017. Doi: 10.1093/femsec/fiab017External link
    Selected as Editor´s Choice March 2021

    Yan L., Hermans S., Totsche K.U., Lehmann R., Herrmann M., Küsel K. (2021) Groundwater bacterial communities evolve over time in response to recharge. Water Research, 117290 DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2021.117290 External link

  • 2020

    Akinyede R., Taubert M., Schrumpf M., Trumbore S., Küsel K. (2020) Rates of dark CO2 fixation are driven by microbial biomass in a temperate forest soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 107950 Doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2020.107950  External link
    - Selected as Editor´s Choice October 2020

    Akob D. M., Hallenbeck M., Beulig F., Fabisch M., Küsel K., Keffer J. L., Woyke T., Shapiro N., Lapidus A., Klenk H.P., Chan C.S. (2020) Mixotrophic iron-oxidizing Thiomonas isolates from an acid mine drainage-affected creek. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 10/2020, AEM.01424-20. Doi:10.1128/AEM.01424-20External link

    Azemtsop Matanfack G.,Taubert M., Guo S., Houhou R., Bocklitz T.W., Küsel K., Rösch P., Popp J. (2020) Influence of carbon sources on quantification of Deuterium incorporation in heterotrophic bacteria: A Raman-stable isotope labeling approach. Analytical Chemistry. 92(16):11429-11437. Doi:10.1021/acs.analchem.0c02443External link

    Cooper R.E., Wegner C.E., McAllister S.M., Shevchenko O., Chan C.S., Küsel K. (2020) Draft genome sequence of Sideroxydans sp. strain CL21, an Fe(II)-Oxidizing bacterium. Microbiology Resource Announcements 9(2): e01444-19. Doi:10.1128/MRA.01444-19External link.

    Cooper R.E., Wegner C.E., Kügler S., Poulin R.X., Ueberschaar N., Wurlitzer J.D., Stettin D., Wichard T., Pohnert G., Küsel K. (2020) Iron is not everything: unexpected complex metabolic responses between iron-cycling microorganisms. The ISME Journal 14, 2675–2690  Doi:10.1038/s41396-020-0718-z External link

    Geesink P., Wegner C.E., Probst A.J., Herrmann M., Dam H.T., Kaster A.K., Küsel K. (2020) Genome‐inferred spatio‐temporal resolution of an uncultivated Roizmanbacterium reveals its ecological preferences in groundwater. Environmental Microbiology 22(2), 726–737. Doi:10.1111/1462-2920.14865External link

    Guerra C.A., Heintz-Buschart A., Sikorski J., Chatzinotas A., Guerrero-Ramírez N., Cesarz S., Beaumelle L., Rillig M.C., Maestre F.T., Delgado-Baquerizo M., Buscot F., Overmann J., Patoine G., Phillips H.R.P., Winter M., Wubet T., Küsel K., Bardgett R.D., Cameron E.K., Cowan D., Grebenc T., Marín C., Orgiazzi A., Singh B.K., Wall D.H., Eisenhauer N. (2020) Blind spots in global soil biodiversity and ecosystem function research. Nature Communications 11 (1),1-13.3870. Doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-17688-2External link

    Heintz-Buschart A., Guerra C., Djukic I., Cesarz S., Chatzionotas A., Patoine G., Sikorski J., Buscot F., Küsel K., Wegner C.E., Eisenhauer N. (2020) Microbial diversity-ecosystem function relationships across enviromental gradients. Research Ideas and Outcomes 6, e52217. Doi:10.3897/rio.6e52217External link

    Herrmann M., Geesink P., Lehmann R., Totsche K.U., Küsel K. (2020) Complex food webs coincide with high genetic potential for chemolithoautotrophy in fractured bedrock groundwater. Water Research 170: 115306. Doi:10.1016/j.watres.2019.115306External link.

    Kügler S., Cooper R.E., Boessneck J., Küsel K., Wichard T. (2020) Rhizobactin B is the preferred siderophore by a novel Pseudomonas isolate to obtain iron from dissolved organic matter in peatlands. Biometals 33, 415–433 (2020) Doi:10.1007/s10534-020-00258-wExternal link

    Li Q., Cooper R.E., Wegner C.E., Küsel K. (2020) Molecular mechanisms underpinning aggregation in Acidiphilium sp. C61 isolated from iron-rich pelagic aggregates. Microorganisms 8(3): 314. Doi:10.3390/microorganisms8030314External link.

    Overholt W.A., Hölzer M., Geesink P., Diezel C., Marz M., Küsel K. (2020) Inclusion of Oxford Nanopore long reads improves all microbial and viral metagenome‐assembled genomes from a complex aquifer system. Environmental Microbiology 22 (9)., 4000-4013 Doi:10.1111/1462-2920.15186External link

    Yan L., Herrmann M., Kampe B., Lehmann R., Totsche K.U., Küsel K. (2020) Environmental selection shapes the formation of near-surface groundwater microbiomes. Water Research 170: 115341. Doi:10.1016/j.watres.2019.115341External link.

  • 2019

    Abdallah R.Z., Wegner C.E., Liesack W. (2019) Community transcriptomics reveals drainage effects on paddy soil microbiome across all three domains of life. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 132, 131-142. Doi: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2019.01.023External link

    Benk S.A., Yan L., Lehmann R., Roth V.N., Schwab V.F., Totsche K.U., Küsel K., Gleixner G. (2019) Fueling diversity in the subsurface: Composition and age of dissolved organic matter in the Critical Zone. Frontiers in Earth Science 7: 296. Doi:10.3389/feart.2019.00296External link.

    Bushman T.J., Akob D.M., Bohu T., Beyer A., Woyke T., Shapiro N., Lapidus A., Klenk H.P., Küsel K. (2019) Draft genome sequence of Mn(II)-oxidizing bacterium Oxalobacteraceae sp. strain AB_14. Microbiology Resource Announcements 8(43): e01024-19. Doi:10.1128/MRA.01024-19External link

    Cooper R.E., DiChristina T.J. (2019) Fe(III) oxide reduction by anaerobic biofilm formation-deficient S-Ribosylhomocysteine lyase (LuxS) mutant of Shewanella oneidensis. Geomicrobiology Journal 36(7): 639-650. Doi:10.1080/01490451.2019.1605428External link

    Hädrich A., Taillefert M., Akob D.M., Cooper R.E., Litzba U., Wagner F.E., Nietzsche S., Ciobota V., Rösch P., Popp J., Küsel K. (2019) Microbial Fe(II) oxidation by Sideroxydans lithotrophicus ES-1 in the presence of Schlöppnerbrunnen fen-derived humic acids. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 95(4): fiz034. Doi:10.1093/femsec/fiz034External link

    Herrmann M., Wegner C.E., Taubert M., Geesink P., Lehmann K., Yan L., Lehmann R., Totsche K.U., Küsel K. (2019) Predominance of Cand. Patescibacteria in groundwater is caused by their preferential mobilization from soils and flourishing under oligotrophic conditions. Frontiers in Microbiology 10: article 1407. Doi:10.3389/fmicb.2019.01407External link

    Kügler S., Cooper R.E., Wegner C.E., Mohr J.F., Wichard T., Küsel K. (2019) Iron-organic matter complexes accelerate microbial iron cycling in an iron-rich fen. Science of the Total Environment 646: 972-988. Doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.07.258External link

    Lazar C.S., Lehmann R., Stoll W., Rosenberger J., Totsche K.U., Küsel K. (2019) The endolithic bacterial diversity of shallow bedrock ecosystems. Science of the Total Environment 679: 35-44. Doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.04.281External link

    Nawaz A., Purahong W., Herrmann M., Küsel K., Buscot F., Wubet T. (2019) DNA- and RNA- derived fungal communities in subsurface aquifers only partly overlap but react similarly to environmental factors. Microorganisms 7(9): 341.
    Doi:10.3390/microorganisms7090341External link

    Schwab V.F., Nowak M.E., Elder C.D., Trumbore S.E., Xu X., Gleixner G., Lehmann R., Pohnert G., Muhr J., Küsel K., Totsche K.U. (2019) 14C-free carbon is a major contributor to cellular biomass in geochemically distinct groundwater of shallow sedimentary aquifers. Water Resources Research 55(3): 2104-2121. Doi:10.1029/2017WR022067External link

    Schwab V.F., Nowak M.E., Trumbore S.E., Xu X., Gleixner G., Muhr J., Küsel K., Totsche K.U. (2019) Isolation of individual saturated fatty acid methyl esters derived from groundwater phospholipids by preparative-high pressure liquid chromatography for compound specific radiocarbon analyses. Water Resources Research 55(3): 2521-2531. Doi:10.1029/2018WR024076External link

    Taubert M. (2019) SIP-Metaproteomics: Linking Microbial Taxonomy, Function, and Activity. Stable Isotope Probing, Methods and Protocols. Volume 2046.
    Doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-9721-3_5External link

    Taubert M., Grob C., Crombie A., Howat A.M., Burns O.J., Weber M., Lott C., Kaster A.K., Vollmers J., Jehmlich N., von Bergen M., Chen Y., Murrell J.C. (2019) Communal metabolism by Methylococcaceae and Methylophilaceae is driving rapid aerobic methane oxidation in sediments of a shallow seep near Elba, Italy. Environmental Microbiology, 21(10):3780-3795. Doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.14728External link

    Taubert M., Stähly J., Kolb S., Küsel K. (2019) Divergent microbial communities in groundwater and overlying soils exhibit functional redundancy for plant-polysaccharide degradation. PLOS ONE 14(3): e0212937. Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0212937External link

    Wegner C.E., Gaspar M., Geesink P., Herrmann M., Marz M., Küsel K. (2019) Biogeochemical regimes in shallow aquifers reflect the metabolic coupling of elements of nitrogen, sulfur and carbon. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 85(5): e02346-18.  Doi: 10.1128/AEM.02346-18External link
    Erratum (2019) Applied and Environmental Microbiology85(9):e00502-19
    Doi: 10.1128/AEM.00502-19External link

    Wegner C.E., Gorniak L., Riedel S., Westermann M., Küsel K. (2019) Lanthanide-dependent methylotrophs of the family Beijerinckiaceae: Physiological and Genomic Insights. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 86(1): e01830-19. Doi:10.1128/AEM.01830-19External link

    Wondraczek L., Pohnert G., Schacher F.H., Köhler A., Gottschaldt M., Schubert U.S., Küsel K., Brakhage A.A. (2019) Artificial microbial arenas: Materials for observing and manipulating microbial consortia. Advanced Materials 31, 1900284. Doi:10.1002/adma.201900284External link

  • 2018

    Ding S.Kohlhepp B.Trumbore S., Küsel K., Totsche K.U.Pohnert G.Gleixner G., Schwab V.F. (2018) In situ production of core and intact bacterial and archaeal tetraether lipids in groundwater. Organic Geochemistry 126: 1-12. Doi:10.1016/j.orggeochem.2018.10.005External link

    Geesink P., Tyc O., Küsel K.Taubert M., van de Velde C., Kumar S., Garbeva P. (2018) Growth promotion and inhibition induced by interactions of groundwater bacteria. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 94(11): fiy164.  Doi:10.1093/femsec/fiy164External link

    Howat A.M., Vollmers J., Taubert M., Grob C., Dixon J.L., Todd J.D., Chen Y., Kaster A.K., Murrell J.C. (2018) Comparative genomics and mutational analysis reveals a novel XoxF-utilizing methylotroph in the Roseobacter group isolated from the marine environment. Frontiers in Microbiology 9:766. Doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.00766External link

    Ivanova A.A., Wegner C.-E., Kim Y., Liesack W., Dedysh S.N. (2018) Metatranscriptomics reveals the hydrolytic potential of peat-inhabiting Planctomycetes. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 2018, 111(6):801-809. Doi: 10.1007/s10482-017-0973-9External link.

    Kumar S.Herrmann M., Blohm A., Hilke I., Frosch T., Trumbore S.E., Küsel K. (2018) Thiosulfate- and hydrogen-driven autotrophic denitrification by a microbial consortium enriched from groundwater of an oligotrophic limestone aquifer. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 94(10): fiy141. Doi:10.1093/femsec/fiy141External link

    Nawaz A., Purahong W., Lehmann R., Herrmann M., Totsche K.U., Küsel K., Wubet T.Buscot F. (2018) First insights into the living groundwater mycobiome of the terrestrial biogeosphere. Water Research 145: 50-61Doi:10.1016/j.watres.2018.07.067External link

    Peng J., Wegner C.-E., Bei Q., Liu P., Liesack W. (2018) Metatranscriptomics reveals a differential temperature effect on the structural and functional organization of the anaerobic food web in rice field soil. Microbiome 2018, 6(1):169. Doi: 10.1186/s40168-018-0546-9External link

    Shade A., Dunn R.R., Blowes S.A., Keil P., Bohannan B.J.M., Herrmann M., Küsel K., Lennon J.T., Sanders N.J., Storch D., Chase J. (2018) Macroecology to unite all life, large and small. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 33(10): 731-744.  Doi:10.1016/j.tree.2018.08.005External link

    Taubert, M., Stöckel, S., Geesink, P., Girnus, S., Jehmlich, N., von Bergen, M., Rösch, P., Popp, J.,  Küsel, K. (2018) Tracking active groundwater microbes with D2O labelling to understand their ecosystem function. Environmental Microbiology  20(1): 369-384. Doi:10.1111/1462-2920.14010External link


  • 2017

    Bolanz, R.M., Grauer, C., Cooper, R.E., Göttlicher, J., Steininger, R., Perry, S., and Küsel K. (2017) Incorporation of molybdenum(VI) in akaganéite (β-FeOOH) and the microbial reduction of Mo-akaganéite by Shewanella loihica PV-4. CrystEngComm 19: 6189-6198.  Doi:10.3389/fmicb.2018.00766External link

    Cooper, R. E., Eusterhues, K., Wegner, C.-E., Totsche, K. U., Küsel, K. (2017) Ferrihydrite-associated organic matter (OM) stimulates reduction by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 and a complex microbial consortia. Biogeosciences 14(22): 5171-5188. 
    Doi:10.5194/bg-14-5171-2017External link

    Herrmann M., Opitz S., Harzer R., Totsche K. U., Küsel K. (2017) Attached and suspended denitrifier communities in pristine limestone aquifers harbor high fractions of potential authotrophs oxidizing resduced iron and sulfur compounds. Microb. Ecol. 74(2): 264-277. Doi:10.1007/s00248-017-0950-xExternal link

    Jameson E., Taubert M., Coyotzi S., Chen Y., Eyice Ö., Schäfer H., Murrell J.C., Neufeld J.D., Dumont M.G. (2017) DNA-, RNA-, and protein-based stable-isotope probing for high-throughput biomarker analysis of active microorganisms. Methods Mol Biol. 2017; 1539:57-74. Doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-6691-2_5.External link

    Jousset A., Bienhold C., Chatzinotas A., Gallien L., Gobet A., Kurm V., Küsel K., Rillig M.C., Rivett D.W., Salles J.F., van der Heijden M.G.A., Youssef N.H., Zhang X.W., Wei Z.. Hol W.H.G. (2017) Where less be more: how rare biosphere pulls ecosystem strings. ISME J. 11: 853-862. Doi:10.1038/ismej.2016.174External link

    Kohlhepp, B., Lehmann, R., Seeber, P., Küsel, K., Trumbore, S. E., and Totsche, K. U. (2017) Aquifer configuration and geostructural links control the groundwater quality in thin-bedded carbonatesiliciclastic alternations of the Hainich CZE, central Germany. HESS 21(12): 6091-6116. Doi:10.5194/hess-21-6091-2017External link

    Kumar, S., Herrmann, M., Thamdrup, B., Schwab, V. F.,Geesink, P., Trumbore, S. E., Totsche, K. U., Küsel, K. (2017) Nitrogen loss from pristine carbonate-rock aquifers of the Hainich Critical Zone Exploratory (Germany) is primarily driven by chemolithoautotrophic anammox processes. Frontiers in Microbiology 8: 1951.  Doi:10.3389/fmicb.2017.01951External link

    Kwon M.J., Beulig F., Ilie L., Wildner W., Küsel K., Merbold L., Mahecha M.D., Zimov N., Zimov S.A., Heimann M., Schuur E. AG, Kostka J.E., Kolle O., Hilke I., Göckede M. (2017) Plants, microorganisms, and soil temperatures contribute to a decrease in methane fluxes on a drained Arctic floodplain. Global Change Biology. 23 (6) 2396-2412. Doi:10.1111/gcb.13558External link

    Lazar C.S., Baker B.J., Seitz K.W., Teske A.P. (2017) Genomic reconstruction of multiple lineages of uncultured benthic archaea suggests distinct biogeochemical roles and ecological niches. ISME J 11, 1118–1129. Doi: 10.1038/ismej.2016.189External link.

    Lazar C.S., Stoll W., Lehmann R., Herrmann M., Schwab V.F., Akob D.M., Nawaz A., Wubet T., Buscot F., Totsche K.U., Küsel K. (2017) Archaeal diversity and CO2-fixers in carbonate/siliclastic-rock groundwater ecosystems. Archaea Vol 2017, ID 2136287.  Doi:10.1155/2017/2136287External link

    Metzger, J. C., Wutzler, T., Dalla Valle, N., Filipzik, J., Grauer, C., Lehmann, R., Roggenbuck, M., Schelhorn, D., Weckmüller, J., Küsel, K., Totsche, K. U., Trumbore, S., Hildebrandt, A. (2017) Vegetation impacts soil water content patterns by shaping canopy water fluxes and soil properties. Hydrological Processes 31(22): 3783-3795. Doi:10.1002/hyp.11274External link

    Mori, J.F., Scott, J. J., Hager, K. W., Moyer, C. L., Küsel, K., Emerson, D. (2017) Physiological and ecological implications of an iron-or hydrogen-oxidizing member of the Zetaproteobacteria, Ghiorsea bivora, gen. nov., sp. nov. ISME J 11: 2624-2636.  Doi:10.1038/ismej.2017.132External link

    Mori J.F., Ueberschaar N., Lu S., Cooper R.E., Pohnert G., Küsel K. (2017) Sticking together: Inter-species aggregation of bacteria isolated from iron snow is controlled by chemical signaling. ISME J. 11: 1075-1086 Doi:10.1038/ismej.2016.186External link

    Nowak, M.E., Schwab, V.F., Lazar, C.S., Behrendt, T., Kohlhepp, B., Totsche, K.U., Küsel, K., and Trumbore, S. E. (2017) Carbon isotopes of dissolved inorganic carbon reflect utilization of different carbon sources by microbial communities in two limestone aquifer assemblages. HESS 21(9): 4283-4300. Doi:10.5194/hess-21-4283-2017External link

    Peng J.J., Wegner C.-E., Liesack W. (2017) Short-term exposure of paddy soil microbial communities to salt stress triggers different transcriptional responses of key taxonomic groups. Front Microbiol 2017, 8:400. Doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.00400External link  

    Schwab, V.F., Herrmann, M., Roth, V. N., Gleixner, G., Lehmann, R., Pohnert, G., Trumbore, S., Küsel, K., and Totsche, K. U. (2017) Functional diversity of microbial communities in pristine aquifers inferred by PLFA- and sequencing-based approaches. Biogeosciences 14(10): 2697-2714. Doi:10.5194/bg-14-2697-2017External link

    Starke R., Müller M., Gaspar M., Marz M., Küsel K., Totsche K.U., von Bergen M., Jehmlich N. (2017) Candidate Brocadiales dominates C, N and S cycling in anoxic groundwater of a pristine limestone-fracture aquifer. Journal of Proteomics 152: 153-160.
     Doi:10.1016/j.jprot.2016.11.003External link

    Taubert M., Grob C., Howat A.M., Burns O.J., Pratscher J., Jehmlich N., von Bergen M., Richnow H.H., Chen Y., Murrell J.C. (2017) Methylamine as nitrogen source for microorganisms from a coastal marine environment. Environmental Miicrobiology 19(6): 2246-2257. Doi:10.1111/1462-2920.13709External link

    Turner S., Mikutta R., Meyer-Stuve S., Guggenberger G., Schaarschmidt F., Lazar C.S., Dohrmann R., Schippers A. (2017) Microbial community dynamics in soil depth profiles over 120,000 years of ecosystem development. Front Microbiol 2017, 8.
    Doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.00874External link

    Wagner T., Wegner C.-E., Kahnt J., Ermler U., Shima S. (2017) Phylogenetic and structural comparisons of the three types of methyl-coenzyme M reductase from Methanococcales and Methanobacteriales. J Bacteriol 2017, 199(16). Doi: 10.1128/JB.00197-17External link

    Wegner C.-E., Liesack W. (2017) Unexpected dominance of elusive Acidobacteria in early industrial soft coal slags. Front Microbiol 2017, 8:1023. Doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.01023External link

  • 2016

    Baker B.J., Saw J.H., Anders E.L., Lazar C.S., Hinrichs K.U., Teske A.P., Ettema T.J.G. (2016) Genomic inference of the metabolism of cosmopolitan subsurface Archaea, Hadesarchaea. Nature Microbiology. 1(16002). DOoi: link 

    Beulig F., Urich T., Nowak M., Trumbore S.E., Gleixner G., Gilfillan G.D., Fjelland K.E., Küsel K. (2016) Altered carbon turnover processes and microbiomes in soils under long-term extremely high CO2 exposure. Nature Microbiology. 1, 15025.
    Doi:10.1038/nmicrobiol.2015.25External link.
    Commented by Joshua Schimel in Nature Microbiology 1, 15028 (2016) Microbial Ecology: Linking omics to biogeochemistry

    Bohu, T., Akob, D.A, Abratis M, Lazar C.S., Küsel, K. (2016) Biological low pH Mn(II) oxidation in a manganese deposit influenced by metal-rich groundwater. (2016). Applied and Environmental Microbiology 82(10): 3009-3021.DOI: link.

    Bonn, A., Richter, A., Vohland, K., Pettibone, L., Brandt, M., Feldmann, R., Goebel, C., Grefe, C., Hecker, S., Hennen, L., Hofer, H., Kiefer, S., Klotz, S., Kluttig, T., Krause, J., Küsel, K., Liedtke, C., Mahla, A., Neumeier, V., Premke-Kraus, M., Rillig, M. C., Röller, O., Schäffler, L., Schmalzbauer, B., Schneidewind, U., Schumann, A., Settele, J., Tochtermann, K., Tockner, K., Vogel, J., Volkmann, W., von Unger, H., Walter, D., Weisskopf, M., Wirth, C., Witt, T., Wolst, D. & D. Ziegler (2016) Grünbuch Citizen Science Strategie 2020 für Deutschland. Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung (UFZ), Deutsches Zentrum für integrative Biodiversitätsforschung (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig. Leipzig, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin. Leibniz-Institut für Evolutions- und Biodiversitätsforschung (MfN), Berlin-Brandenburgisches Institut für Biodiversitätsforschung (BBIB), Berlin. 34 ( link

    Cooper R.E., Goff J.L., Reed B.C., Sekar R., DiChristina T.J. (2016)  Breathing iron: molecular mechanism of microbial iron reduction by Shewanella oneidensis. Manual of Environmental Microbiology, Fourth Edition, Chapter 5.2.1.
    Doi: 10.1128/9781555818821.ch5.2.1External link

    European Commission, Joint Research Centre (2016) Global Soil Biodiversity Atlas - Earth Sciences Research - EU Bookshop. Contributors: Küsel K., Totsche K.U., Trumbore S.E., Buscot F.; Chapter III - Geographical and temporal distribution, p. 73.  Doi: 10.2788/799182External link

    Küsel K., Totsche K. U., Trumbore S., Buscot F. (2015) The vertical dimension of biodiversity research. Global Soil Biodiversity Atlas.

    Fabisch, M., Freyer, G., Johnson, C. A., Büchel, G., Akob, D. M., Neu, T. R. and Küsel, K. (2016) Dominance of ‘Gallionella capsiferriformans’ and heavy metal association with Gallionella-like stalks in metal-rich pH 6 mine water discharge. Geobiology, 14: 6890. Doi: 10.1111/gbi.12162External link.

    Kohlhepp B., Lehmann R., Seeber P., Küsel K., Trumbore S.E., Totsche K.U. (2016) Pedological and hydrogeological setting and subsurface flow structure of the carbonate-rock CZE Hainich in western Thuringia, Germany. Doi:10.5194/hess-2016-374External link.

    Küsel K, Totsche KU, Trumbore SE, Lehmann R, Steinhäuser C and  (2016) How deep can surface signals be traced in the critical zone? Merging biodiversity with biogeochemistry research in a central German Muschelkalk landscape. Front. Earth Sci. 4:32.
    Doi: 10.3389/feart.2016.00032External link

    Lazar C.S., Baker B.J., Seitz K., Hyde A.S., Dick G.J., Hinrichs K.-U., and Teske A.P. (2016) Genomic evidence for distinct carbon substrate preferences and ecological niches of Bathyarchaeota in estuarine sediments. Environmental Microbiology 18(4): 1200-1211. Doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.13142External link.

    Lu S., Peiffer S., Lazar C.S., Oldham C., Neu T.R., Ciobotă V., Näb O., Lillicrap A., Rösch P., Popp J., Küsel K. (2016) Extremophile microbiomes in acidic and hypersaline river sediments of Western Australia. Environmental Microbiology and Environmental Microbiology Reports. 8(1):58-67. Doi: 10.1111/1758-2229.12351External link.

    Miot J., Lu S., Morin G., Adra A., Benzerara K., Küsel K. (2016) Iron mineralogy across the oxycline of a lignite mine lake. Chemical Geology, 434, 28-42.
    Doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2016.04.013External link

    Mori J. F., Lu S., Händel, M.,  Totsche K.U., Neu T.R., Vlad Iancu V., Tarcea N., Popp J., Küsel K. (2016) Schwertmannite formation at cell junctions by a new filament-forming Fe(II)-oxidizing isolate affiliated with the novel genus Acidithrix, Microbiology. 162: 62-71, Doi: 10.1099/mic.0.000205External link.

    Nawaz A, Purahong W, Lehmann R, Herrmann M, Küsel K, Totsche KU, Buscot F, Wubet T. (2016) Superimposed pristine limestone aquifers with marked hydrochemical differences exhibit distinct fungal communities. Front. Microbiol. 7: 666.
    Doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2016.00666External link

    Rughöft S., Herrmann M., Lazar C.S., Cesarz S., Levick S., Trumbore S., Küsel K. (2016) Community composition and abundance of nitrifiers and total bacterial and archaeal populations in savanna soils on contrasting bedrock material in Kruger National Park, South Africa. Frontiers in Microbiology 7:1638. (Corrigendum: Front. Microbiol. 7: 1954.)
     Doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2016.01954External link

    Seitz K., Lazar C.S., Hinrichs K.-U., Teske A., Baker B.J. (2016) Genomic reconstruction of a novel, deeply-branched sediment archaeal phylum with pathways for acetogenesis and sulfur reduction. The ISME Journal 10(7):1696-1705. Doi: 10:1696-1705External link.

    Taubert M., Grob C., Howat A.M., Burns O.J., Chen Y., Neufeld J.D., Murrell J.C. (2016) Analysis of active methylotrophic communities: when DNA-SIP meets high-throughput technologies. Microbial Environmental Genomics (MEG).
    Doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-3369-3_14External link

  • 2015

    Baker B.J., Lazar C.S., Teske A.P., Dick G.J. (20165) Genomic resolution of linkages in carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur cycling among widespread estuary sediment bacteria. Microbiome 3,14. Doi: 10.1186/s40168-015-0077-6External link

    Beulig F., Heuer V. B., Akob D. M., Viehweger B., Elvert M., Herrmann M., Hinrichs K.U. and Küsel K. (2015). Carbon flow from volcanic CO2 into soil microbial communities of a wetland mofette. ISME J. 9: 746-759. Doi: 10.1038/ismej.2014.148External link

    Bohu T., Santelli C.M., Akob D.M., Neu T.R., Ciobota V., Rösch P., Popp J., Nietzsche S. and Küsel K. (2015). Characterization of pH dependent Mn(II) oxidation strategies and formation of a bixbyite-like phase by Mesorhizobium australicum T-G1. Front Microbiol, 6, 743. Doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2015.00734External link

    Grob C., Taubert M., Howat A.M., Burns O.J., Chen Y., Murrell J.C. (2015) Generating enriched metagenomes from active microorganisms with DNA stable isotope probing. Hydrocarbon and Lipid Microbiology Protocols: Genetic, Genomic and System Analyses of Communities, 163-180. Doi: 10.1007/8623_2015_81External link

    Grob C., Taubert M., Howat A.M., Burns O.J., Dixon J.L., Richnow H.H., Jehmlich N., von Bergen M., Chen Y., Murrell J.C. (2015) Combining metagenomics with metaproteomics and stable isotope probing reveals metabolic pathways used by a naturally occurring marine methylotroph. Environ Microbiol 2015, 17(10):4007-4018.
    Doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.12935External link

    Herrmann M., Rusznyák A., Akob D.M., Schulze I., Opitz S., Totsche K.U. and Küsel K. (2015). Large fractions of CO2-fixing microorganisms in pristine limestone aquifers appear to be involved in the oxidation of reduced sulfur and nitrogen compounds. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 81(7), 2384-2394. Doi: 10.1128/AEM.03269-14External link

    Johnson C., Murayama M., Küsel K. and Hochella Jr.M.F (2015). Polycrystallinity of green rust minerals and their synthetic analogs: Implications for particle formation and reactivity in complex systems. American Mineralogist. Doi: 10.2138/am-2015-5287External link

    Keiner R., Herrmann M., Küsel K., Popp J., Frosch T. (2015). Rapid monitoring of intermediate states and mass balance of nitrogen during denitrification by means of cavity enhanced Raman multi-gas sensing. Analytica Chimica Acta, 864, 39-47.
    Doi: 10.1016/j.aca.2015.02.007External link

    Lazar C.S., Biddle J.F., Meador T.B., Blair N., Hinrichs K.U., Teske A.P. (2015) Environmental controls on intragroup diversity of the uncultured benthic archaea of the miscellaneous Crenarchaeotal group lineage naturally enriched in anoxic sediments of the White Oak River estuary (North Carolina, USA). Environ Microbiol, 17(7):2228-2238.
    Doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.12659External link

    Meador T.B., Bowles M., Lazar C.S., Zhu C., Teske A., Hinrichs K.U. (2015) The archaeal lipidome in estuarine sediment dominated by members of the Miscellaneous Crenarchaeotal Group. Environ Microbiol, 17(7):2441-2458.
    Doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.12716External link

    Mori J. F., Neu T. R., Lu S., Händel M., Totsche K. U., and Küsel K. (2015) Iron encrustations on filamentous algae colonized by Gallionella-related bacteria in a metal-polluted freshwater stream, Biogeosciences, 12, 5277-5289. Doi:10.5194/bg-12-5277-2015External link

    Nowak M.E., Beulig F., von Fischer J., Muhr J., Küsel K., Trumbore S.E. (2015) Autotrophic fixation of geogenic CO2 by microorganisms contributes to soil organic matter formation and alters isotope signatures in a wetland mofette. Biogeosciences 12(23):7169-7183. Doi: 10.5194/bg-12-7169-2015External link

    Sachsenberg T., Herbst F.A., Taubert M., Kermer R., Jehmlich N., von Bergen M., Seifert J., Kohlbacher O. (2015) MetaProSIP: automated inference of stable isotope incorporation rates in proteins for functional metaproteomics. J Proteome Res 2015, 14(2):619-627.
    Doi: 10.1021/pr500245wExternal link

    Sitte J., Löffler S., Burkhardt E.-M., Goldfarb K.C., Büchel G., Hazen T.C., Küsel K. (2015) Metals other than uranium affected microbial community composition in a historical uranium-mining site. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 22, 24, 19326-19341. Doi: 10.1007/s11356-015-4791-1External link

    Taubert M., Grob C., Howat A.M., Burns O.J., Dixon J.L., Chen Y., Murrell J.C. (2015) XoxF encoding an alternative methanol dehydrogenase is widespread in coastal marine environments. Environ Microbiol 2015, 17(10):3937-3948. Doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.12896External link

    Thakur M.P., Herrmann M., Steinauer K., Rennoch S., Cesarz S., Eisenhauer N. (2015) Cascading effects of belowground predators on plant communities are density-dependent. Ecology and Evolution 5(19): 4300-4314. Doi: 10.1002/ece3.1597External link

    Yoshinaga M.Y., Lazar C.S., Elvert M., Lin Y.S., Zhu C., Heuer V.B., Teske A., Hinrichs K.U. (2015) Possible roles of uncultured archaea in carbon cycling in methane-seep sediments. Geochim Cosmochim Ac, 164:35-52. Doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2015.05.003External link

  • 2014

    Akob D. M., Bohu T., Beyer A., Schäffner F., Händel M., Johnson C. A., Merten D., Büchel G., Totsche K. U. and Küsel K. (2014). Identification of Mn(II)-oxidizing bacteria from a low pH contaminated former uranium mine. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 80(16): 5086-5097. Doi: 10.1128/AEM.01296-14.External link

    Eusterhues K., Hädrich A., Neidhardt J., Küsel K., Keller T.F., Jandt K.D. and Totsche K.U. (2014). Reduction of ferrihydrite with adsorbed and coprecipitated organic matter: microbial reduction by Geobacter bremensis vs. abiotic reduction by Na-dithionite. Biogeosciences (11): 4953-4966. Doi: 10.5194/bg-11-4953-2014External link

    Eusterhues K., Neidhardt J., Hädrich A., Küsel K. and Totsche K.U. (2014). Biodegradation of ferrihydrite-associated organic matter. Biogeochemistry (119): 45-50.
    Doi: 10.1007/s10533-013-9943-0External link

    Johnson C. A., Freyer G., Fabisch M., Caraballo M. A., Küsel K., Hochella Jr. M. F. (2014). Observations and assessment of iron oxide and green rust nanoparticles in metal-polluted mine drainage within a steep redox gradient. Environ. Chem. Doi: 10.1071/EN13184External link

    Majzlan J., Plášil J., Škoda R., Gescher∥ J., Kögler F., Rusznyak A., Küsel K., Neu T.R., Mangold S, Rothe J. (2014). Arsenic-Rich Acid Mine Water with Extreme Arsenic Concentration: Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Microbiology, and Environmental Implications. Environ. Sci. Technol., 48 (23). Doi: 10.1021/es5024916External link

    Mehlhorn J., Beulig F., Küsel K. and Planer-Friedrich B. (2014). Carbon dioxide triggered metal(loid) mobilisation in a mofette. Chem. Geol. Doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2014.05.027External link

    Opitz S., Küsel K., Spott O., Totsche K. U. and Herrmann M. (2014). Oxygen availability and distance to surface environments determine community composition and abundance of ammonia-oxidizing prokaroytes in two superimposed pristine limestone aquifers in the Hainich region, Germany. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 90: 39-53. Doi: 10.1111/1574-6941.12370External link

    Wang J., Sickinger M., Ciobotă V., Herrmann M., Rasch H., Rösch P., Popp J. and Küsel K. (2014). Revealing the microbial community structure of clogging materials in dewatering wells differing in physico-chemical parameters in an open-cast mining area. Water Res. 63:222-223. Doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2014.06.021External link

  • 2013

    Ciobotă V., Lu S., Tarcea N., Rösch P., Küsel K. and Popp J. (2013) Quantification of the inorganic phase of the pelagic aggregates from an iron contaminated lake by means of Raman spectroscopy​. Vib. Spectrosc. 68:212–219. Doi: 10.1016/j.vibspec.2013.08.005External link

    Drake H. L., Küsel K., Matthies C. (2013) Acetogenic prokaryotes. In: Rosenberg, E., DeLong, E. F., Lory, S., Stackebrandt, E., Thompson, F. (eds.), The Prokaryotes - Prokaryotic Physiology and Biochemistry, pp. 3-60. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
    Doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-30141-4_61External link

    Fabisch M., Beulig F., Akob D. M. and Küsel K. (2013). Surprising abundance of Gallionella-related iron oxidizers in creek sediments at pH 4.4 or at high heavy metal concentrations. Front. Microbiol. 4: 390. Doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2013.00390External link

    Frerichs J., Oppermann B.I., Gwosdz S., Möller I., Herrmann M. and Krüger M. (2013) Microbial community changes at a terrestrial volcanic CO2 vent induced by soil acidification and anaerobic microhabitats within the soil column. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 84(1):60-74. Doi: 10.1111/1574-6941.12040External link

    Keiner R., Frosch T., Hanf S., Rusznyak A., Akob D., Küsel K. and Popp J. (2013). Raman spectroscopy, an innovative and versatile tool to follow the respirational activity and carbonate biomineralization of important cave bacteria. Anal. Chem. 85(18):8708–8714.
    Doi 10.1021/ac401699dExternal link

    Liu X.R., Eusterhues K., Thieme J., Ciobotă V., Höschen C., Müller C.W., Küsel K., Kögel-Knabner I., Rösch P., Popp J. and Totsche K.U. (2013) STXM and nanoSIMS investigations on EPS fractions before and after adsorption to Goethite. Environ Sci Technol 2013, 47(7):3158-3166. Doi: 10.1021/es3039505External link

    Lu S., Chourey K., Reiche M., Nietzsche S., Shah M.B., Neu T.R., Hettich R.L. and Küsel K. (2013). Insights into the structure and metabolic function of microbes that shape pelagic iron-rich aggregates ("iron snow"). Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 79(14): 4272-4281.
    Doi: 10.1128/aem.00467-13External link

    Risse-Buhl U., Herrmann M., Lange P., Akob D.M., Pizani N., Schönborn W., Totsche K.U. and Küsel K. (2013). Phagotrophic protist diversity in the groundwater of a karstic aquifer - morphological and molecular analysis. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 60(5): 467-479.
    Doi: 10.1111/jeu.12054External link

    Sitte J., Pollok K., Langenhorst F. and Küsel K. (2013). Nanocrystalline nickel and cobalt sulfides formed by a heavy metal-tolerant, sulfate-reducing enrichment culture. Geomicrobiology J. 30(1):36-47. Doi: 10.1080/01490451.2011.653082External link

  • 2012

    Akob D.M., Lee S.H., Sheth M., Küsel K., Watson D.B., Palumbo A.V., Kostka J.E., Chin K.J. (2012) Gene Expression Correlates with Process Rates Quantified for Sulfate- and Fe(III)-Reducing Bacteria in U(VI)-Contaminated Sediments. Front Microbiol 2012, 3:280.
    Doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2012.00280External link

    Hädrich A., Heuer V.B., Herrmann M., Hinrichs K.U., Küsel K. (2012) Origin and fate of acetate in an acidic fen. Fems Microbiol Ecol, 81(2):339-354.
    Doi: 10.1111/j.1574-6941.2012.01352.xExternal link

    Herrmann M., Hädrich A., Küsel K. (2012) Predominance of thaumarchaeal ammonia oxidizer abundance and transcriptional activity in an acidic fen. Environ Microbiol 2012, 14(11):3013-3025. Doi: 10.1111/j.1462-2920.2012.02882.xExternal link

    Kofoed M.V., Stief P., Hauzmayer S., Schramm A., Herrmann M. (2012) Higher nitrate-reducer diversity in macrophyte-colonized compared to unvegetated freshwater sediment. Systematic and applied microbiology 2012, 35(7):465-472.
    Doi: 10.1016/j.syapm.2012.08.005External link

    Risse-Buhl U., Trefzger N., Seifert A.G., Schonborn W., Gleixner G., Kusel K. (2012) Tracking the autochthonous carbon transfer in stream biofilm food webs. Fems Microbiol Ecol 2012, 79(1):118-131. Doi: 10.1111/j.1574-6941.2011.01202.xExternal link

    Rusznyák A., Akob D.M., Nietzsche S., Eusterhues K., Totsche K.U., Neu T.R., Frosch T., Popp J., Keiner R., Geletneky J., Katzschmann L., Schulze E.D. and Küsel K. (2012) Calcite biomineralization by bacterial isolates from the recently discovered pristine karstic Herrenberg cave. Appl Environ Microb 2012, 78(4):1157-1167.
    Doi: 10.1128/AEM.06568-11External link

  • 2011

    Akob D.M., Kerkhof L., Küsel K., Watson D.B., Palumbo A.V., Kostka J.E. (2011) Linking Specific Heterotrophic Bacterial Populations to Bioreduction of Uranium and Nitrate in Contaminated Subsurface Sediments by Using Stable Isotope Probing. Appl Environ Microb 2011, 77(22):8197-8200. Doi: 10.1128/AEM.05247-11External link

    Akob D.M. and Küsel K. (2011) Where microorganisms meet rocks in the Earth's Critical Zone. Biogeosciences, 8(12):3531-3543. Doi: 10.5194/bg-8-3531-2011External link

    Avrahami S., Jia Z.J., Neufeld J.D., Murrell J.C., Conrad R., Küsel K. (2011) Active Autotrophic Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacteria in Biofilm Enrichments from Simulated Creek Ecosystems at Two Ammonium Concentrations Respond to Temperature Manipulation. Appl Environ Microb, 77(20):7329-7338. Doi: 10.1128/AEM.05864-11External link

    Burkhardt E.M., Bischoff S., Akob D.M., Büchel G., Küsel K. (2011) Heavy metal tolerance of Fe(III)-reducing microbial communities in contaminated creek bank soils. Appl Environ Microb, 77(9):3132-3136. Doi: 10.1128/AEM.02085-10External link

    Chakraborty R., Hazen T.C., Joyner D.C., Küsel K., Singer M.E., Sitte J., Torok T. (2011) Use of immunomagnetic separation for the detection of Desulfovibrio vulgaris from environmental samples. J Microbiol Meth 2011, 86(2):204-209. Doi: 10.1016/j.mimet.2011.05.005External link

    Herrmann M., Scheibe A., Avrahami S., Küsel K. (2011) Ammonium availability affects the ratio of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria to ammonia-oxidizing archaea in simulated creek ecosystems. Appl Environ Microb 2011, 77(5):1896-1899. Doi: 10.1128/AEM.02879-10External link

    Küsel K. and Drake H. L. (2011) Acetogens. In: Encyclopedia of Geobiology (Reitner J, Thiel V, eds.). Springer Science+Business Media B. V. Doi: 10.1007/978-1-4020-9212-1External link

    Reiche M., Lu S.P., Ciobotă V., Neu T.R., Nietzsche S., Rösch P., Popp J., Küsel K. (2011) Pelagic boundary conditions affect the biological formation of iron-rich particles (iron snow) and their microbial communities. Limnol Oceanogr 2011, 56(4):1386-1398.
    Doi: 10.4319/lo.2011.56.4.1386External link

    Rusznyák A., Tóth E.M., Schumann P., Spröer C., Makk J., Szabó G., Vladár P., Márialigeti K., Borsodi A.K. (2011) Cellulomonas phragmiteti sp. nov., a cellulolytic bacterium isolated from reed (Phragmites australis) periphyton in a Hungarian shallow soda pond. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 61(7): 1662-1666. Doi: 10.1099/ijs.0.022608-0External link

  • 2010

    Augspurger C. and Küsel K. (2010) Flow velocity and primary production influences carbon utilization in nascent epilithic stream biofilms. Aquat Sci, 72(2):237-243.
    Doi: 10.1007/s00027-009-0126-yExternal link

    Burkhardt E.M., Akob D.M., Bischoff S., Sitte J., Kostka J.E., Banerjee D., Scheinost A.C., Küsel K. (2010) Impact of biostimulated redox processes on metal dynamics in an iron-rich creek soil of a former uranium mining area. Environ Sci Technol, 44(1):177-183.
    Doi: 10.1021/es902038eExternal link

    Ciobota V., Burkhardt E.M., Schumacher W., Rosch P., Küsel K., Popp J. (2010) The influence of intracellular storage material on bacterial identification by means of Raman spectroscopy. Anal Bioanal Chem, 397(7):2929-2937. Doi: 10.1007/s00216-010-3895-1External link

    Green S.J., Prakash O., Gihring T.M., Akob D.M., Jasrotia P., Jardine P.M., Watson D.B., Brown S.D., Palumbo A.V., Kostka J.E. (2010) Denitrifying bacteria isolated from terrestrial subsurface sediments exposed to mixed-waste contamination. Appl Environ Microb, 76(10):3244-3254. Doi: 10.1128/AEM.03069-09External link

    Lu S.P., Gischkat S., Reiche M., Akob D.M., Hallberg K.B., Küsel K. (2010) Ecophysiology of Fe-cycling bacteria in acidic sediments. Appl Environ Microb, 76(24):8174-8183.
    Doi: 10.1128/AEM.01931-10External link

    Lüdecke C., Reiche M., Eusterhues K., Nietzsche S., Küsel K. (2010) Acid-tolerant microaerophilic Fe(II)-oxidizing bacteria promote Fe(III)-accumulation in a fen. Environ Microbiol, 12(10):2814-2825. Doi: 10.1111/j.1462-2920.2010.02251.xExternal link

    Pohlon E., Marxsen J., Küsel K. (2010) Pioneering bacterial and algal communities and potential extracellular enzyme activities of stream biofilms. Fems Microbiol Ecol, 71(3):364-373. Doi: 10.1111/j.1574-6941.2009.00817.xExternal link

    Prakash O., Gihring T.M., Dalton D.D., Chin K.J., Green S.J., Akob D.M., Wanger G., Kostka J.E. (2010) Geobacter daltonii sp. nov., an Fe(III)- and uranium(VI)-reducing bacterium isolated from a shallow subsurface exposed to mixed heavy metal and hydrocarbon contamination. Int J Syst Evol Micr, 60:546-553. Doi: 10.1099/ijs.0.010843-0External link

    Reiche M., Gleixner G., Küsel K. (2010) Effect of peat quality on microbial greenhouse gas formation in an acidic fen. Biogeosciences, 7(1):187-198. Doi: 10.5194/bg-7-187-2010External link

    Sitte J., Akob D.M., Kaufmann C., Finster K., Banerjee D., Burkhardt E.M., Kostka J.E., Scheinost A.C., Büchel G., Küsel K. (2010) Microbial links between sulfate reduction and metal retention in uranium- and heavy metal-contaminated soil. Appl Environ Microb, 76(10):3143-3152. Doi: 10.1128/AEM.00051-10External link

    Vishnivetskaya T.A., Brandt C.C., Madden A.S., Drake M.M., Kostka J.E., Akob D.M., Küsel K., Palumbo A.V. (2010) Microbial Community Changes in Response to Ethanol or Methanol Amendments for U(VI) Reduction. Appl Environ Microb, 76(17):5728-5735.
    Doi: 10.1128/AEM.00308-10External link

  • 2009

    Burkhardt E.M., Meisser S., Merten D., Büchel G., Küsel K. (2009) Heavy metal retention and microbial activities in geochemical barriers formed in glacial sediments subjacent to a former uranium mining leaching heap. Chem Erde-Geochem, 69:21-34.
    Doi: 10.1016/j.chemer.2008.12.003External link

    Böhme A., Risse-Buhl U., and Küsel K. (2009) Protists with different feeding modes change morphological biofilm characteristics. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 69: 158-169.
    Doi: 10.1111/j.1574-6941.2009.00710.xExternal link

    Peiffer S., Oldham C., Salmon U., Lillicrap A., and Küsel K. (2009) Does iron cycling trigger generation of acidity in groundwaters of western Australia? Environ. Sci. Technol. 43, 6548–6552. Doi: link

    Reiche M., Hädrich A., Lischeid G., Küsel K. (2009) Impact of manipulated drought and heavy rainfall events on peat mineralization processes and source-sink functions of an acidic fen. J Geophys Res-Biogeo, 114. Doi: 10.1029/2008JG000853External link

    Risse-Buhl U. and Küsel K. (2009) Colonization dynamics of biofilm-associated ciliate morphotypes at different flow velocities. Eur J Protistol 2009, 45(1):64-76.
    Doi: 10.1016/j.ejop.2008.08.001External link

    Risse-Buhl U., Scherwass A., Arndt H., Kröwer S., and Küsel K. (2009). Detachment and motility of biofilm associated ciliates at increased flow velocities. Aquat. Microb. Ecol. 55: 209-218. Doi: 10.3354/ame01302External link

  • 2008

    Akob D.M., Mills H.J., Gihring T.M., Kerkhof L., Stucki J.W., Anastácio A.S., Chin K.J., Küsel K., Palumbo A.V., Watson D.B. and Kostka J.E. (2008) Functional diversity and electron donor dependence of microbial populations capable of U(VI) reduction in radionuclide-contaminated subsurface sediments. Appl Environ Microb 2008, 74(10):3159-3170. Doi: 10.1128/AEM.02881-07External link

    Augspurger C., Gleixner G., Kramer C., and Küsel K. (2008) Tracking the carbon flow in a two and six week old stream biofilm food web. Limnol. Ocean. 53: 642-650.
    Doi: 10.4319/lo.2008.53.2.0642External link

    Blöthe M., Akob D.M., Kostka J.E., Göschel K., Drake H.L., Küsel K. (2008) pH gradient-induced heterogeneity of Fe(III)-reducing microorganisms in coal mining-associated lake sediments. Appl Environ Microb 2008, 74(4):1019-1029. Doi: 10.1128/AEM.01194-07External link

    Küsel K., Blöthe M., Schulz D., Reiche M., Drake H.L. (2008) Microbial reduction of iron and porewater biogeochemistry in acidic peatlands. Biogeosciences, 5(6):1537-1549.
    Doi: 10.5194/bg-5-1537-2008External link

    Küsel K., Burkhardt E.M. and Sitte J. (2008) Effect of metal-reducing microorganisms on element fluxes in a former uranium-mining district. In: Liu S. J., Drake H. L. (eds.), Microbes in the Environment: Perspectives and Challenges, pp. 128-137. Science Press, Beijing.

    Reiche M., Torburg G., Küsel K. (2008) Competition of Fe(III) reduction and methanogenesis in an acidic fen. Fems Microbiol Ecol, 65(1):88-101.
    Doi: 10.1111/j.1574-6941.2008.00523.xExternal link

    Schmalenberger A., Tebbe C.C., Kertesz M.A., Drake H.L., Küsel K. (2008) Two-dimensional single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) of 16S rRNA gene fragments reveals highly dissimilar bacterial communities in an acidic fen. Eur J Soil Biol, 44(5-6):495-500. Doi: 10.1016/j.ejsobi.2008.07.002External link

  • 2007

    Edwards L., Küsel K., Drake H. L. and Kostka J. E. (2007) Electron flow in acidic subsurface sediments cocontaminated with nitrate and uranium. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 71: 643-654. Doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2006.09.017External link

    Pohlon E., Augspurger C., Risse-Buhl U., Arle J., Willkomm M., Halle S., and Küsel K. (2007) Quering the obvious: lessons from a degraded stream. Restoration Ecology 15: 312-316. Doi: 10.1111/j.1526-100X.2007.00215.xExternal link

    Schmalenberger A., Drake H. L. and Küsel K. (2007) High unique diversity of sulfate-reducing prokaryotes in a depth gradient in an acidic fen. Environ. Microbiol. 9: 1317-1328. Doi: 10.1111/j.1462-2920.2007.01251.xExternal link

    Spänhoff B., Augspurger C. and Küsel K. (2007) Comparing field and laboratory breakdown rates of coarse particulate organic matter: Effects of sediment dynamics can superimpose the impact of dissolved nutrients on mass loss of CPOM in streams. Aquatic Sciences, 69: 495-502. Doi: 10.1007/s00027-007-0932-zExternal link

    Spänhoff B., Bischof R., Böhme A., Lorenz S., Neumeister K., Nöthlich A. and Küsel K. (2007) Assessing the impact of effluents from a modern wastewater treatment plant on breakdown rates of coarse particulate organic matter and benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages in a lowland river. Water, Air & Soil Pollution 180: 119-129.
    Doi: 10.1007/s11270-006-9255-2External link

  • 2006

    Alewell C., Paul S., Lischeid G., Küsel K. and Gehre M. (2006) Characterizing the redox status in three different forested wetlands with biogeochemical data. Environ. Sci. Technol. 40: 7609-7615. Doi: 10.1021/es061018yExternal link

    Bodelier P. L. E., Sorrell B., Drake H. L., Küsel K., Hurek T., Reinhold-Hurek B., Lovell C., Megonigal P., Frenzel P. (2006) Ecological aspects of microbes and microbial communities inhabiting the rhizosphere of wetland plants. In: Bobbink R., Beltman B., Verhoeven J. T. A., Whigham D. F. (eds.), Wetlands as a Natural Resource, Vol. 2, Ecological Studies, Vol. 190External link, pp. 205-238. Springer-Verlag, New York.

    Drake H. L., Küsel K. and Matthies C. (2006) Acetogenic Prokaryotes. In: Dworkin M., Falkow S., Rosenberg E., Schleifer K. H. and Stackebrandt E. (eds.), The Prokaryotes, Vol. 2, pp. 354-420. New York, Springer-Verlag. Doi: 10.1007/0-387-30742-7_13External link

    Gebühr C., Pohlon E., Schmidt A. and Küsel K. (2006) Development of the microalgae communities in the phytotelmata of allochthonous populations of Sarracenia purpurea (Sarraceniaceae). Plant Biology, 8: 849-860. Doi: 10.1055/s-2006-924474External link

    Gößner A., Küsel K., Schulz D., Trenz S., Acker G., Lovell C. R. and Drake H. L. (2006) Trophic interaction of the aerotolerant anaerobe Clostridium intestinale and the acetogen Sporomusa rhizae sp. nov. isolated from the roots of the black needlerush Juncus roemerianus. Microbiology,152: 1209-1219. Doi: 10.1099/mic.0.28725-0External link

    Küsel K., Trinkwalter T., Drake H. L. and Devereux R. (2006) Comparative evaluation of anaerobic bacterial communities associated with roots of submerged macrophytes growing in marine or brackish water sediments, J. Exp. Marine Biol. Ecol. 337: 49-58.
    Doi: 10.1016/j.jembe.2006.06.004External link

    Ogram A., Bridgham S., Corstanje R., Drake H., Küsel K., Mills A., Newman S., Portier K., Wetzel R. (2006) Linkages between microbial community composition and biogeochemical processes across scales. In: Verhoeven, J.T.A., Beltman, B., Bobbink, R., Whigham, D.F. (eds) Wetlands and Natural Resource Management. Ecological Studies, vol 190. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-33187-2_11External link

    Paul S., Küsel K. and Alewell C. (2006) Reduction processes in forest wetlands: tracking down heterogeneity of source/sink functions with a combination of methods. Soil Biol. Biochem. 38: 1028-1039. Doi: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2005.09.001External link

    Schnurr-Pütz S., Baath E., Guggenberger G., Drake H. L. and Küsel K. (2006) Compaction of forest soil by logging machinery favours colonization by prokaryotes. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 58: 503-516. Doi: 10.1111/j.1574-6941.2006.00175.xExternal link

  • 2005

    Drake H. L. and Küsel K. (2005) Acetogenic clostridia. In: Dürre P. (ed.), Handbook on Clostridia, pp. 719-746. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida. Doi: 10.1201/9780203489819External link

  • 2004

    Koschorreck M., Wendt-Potthoff K., Chabbi A. and Küsel K. (2004) Mikrobielle Prozesse im Uferbereich von sauren Bergbauseen. In: Nixdorf B. and Deneke R. (eds.), Grundlagen und Maßnahmen zur biogenen Alkalinisierung von sauren Tagebauseen. pp. 119-137, Weißensee Verlag, Berlin. Doi: 10.13140/2.1.1060.2567External link

    Küsel K. and Alewell C. (2004) Riparian zones in a forested catchment: hot spots for microbial reductive processes. In: Matzner E. (ed.), Biogeochemistry of two German forested catchments in a changing environment, Ecol. Stud. 172: 377-395, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-662-06073-5_22External link

    Loy A., Küsel K., Lehner A., Klein M., Drake H. L. and Wagner M. (2004) Microarray and functional gene analyses of sulfate-reducing prokaryotes in low sulfate, acidic fens reveal co-occurrence of recognized genera and novel lineages. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 70: 6998-7009. Doi: 10.1128/AEM.70.12.6998-7009.2004External link

    Müller V., Inkamp F., Rauwolf A., Küsel K. and Drake H. L. (2004) Molecular and cellular biology of acetogenic bacteria. In: Nakano M., Zuber P. (eds),  Strict and Facultative Anaerobes: Medical and Environmental AspectsExternal link. pp. 251-281, Horizon Scientific Press, United Kingdom.

  • Pre 2004


    Drake H. L. and Küsel K. (2003) How the diverse physiological potentials of acetogens determine their in situ realities. In: Ljungdahl L. G. et al., Biochemistry and Physiology of Anaerobic Bacteria. pp. 171-190. Springer-Verlag, New York.
    Doi: 10.1007/0-387-22731-8_13External link

    Horn M. A., Matthies C., Küsel K., Schramm A. and Drake H. L. (2003) Hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis by moderately acid-tolerant methanogens of a methane-emitting acidic peat. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 69: 74-83. Doi: 10.1128/AEM.69.1.74-83.2003External link

    Küsel K. (2003) Microbial cycling of iron and sulfur in acidic coal mining lake sediments. Water Air Soil Poll.: Focus 3:67-90. Doi: 10.1023/A:1022103419928External link

    Küsel K., Chabbi A. and Trinkwalter T. (2003) Microbial processes associated with roots of bulbous rush coated with iron plaques. Microbial Ecol. 46: 302-311.
    Doi: 10.1007/s00248-002-1054-8External link


    Drake H. L., Küsel K., and Matthies C. (2002) Ecological consequences of the phylogenetic and physiological diversities of acetogens. Ant. van Leeuwenhoek 81:203-213.
    Doi: 10.1023/A:1020514617738External link

    Karnholz A., Küsel K., Gößner A., Schramm A. and Drake H. L. (2002) Tolerance and metabolic response of acetogenic bacteria toward oxygen. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 68: 1005-1009. Doi: 10.1128/AEM.68.2.1005-1009.2002External link

    Küsel K., Roth U. and Drake H. L. (2002) Microbial reduction of Fe(III) in the presence of oxygen under low pH conditions. Environ. Microbiol. 4: 414-421.
    Doi: 10.1046/j.1462-2920.2002.00314.xExternal link

    Küsel K., Wagner C., Trinkwalter T., Gößner A., Bäumler R. and Drake H. L. (2002) Microbial reduction of Fe(III) and turnover of acetate in Hawaiian soils. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 40: 73-81. Doi: 10.1111/j.1574-6941.2002.tb00938.xExternal link

    Regenspurg S., Gößner A., Peiffer S. and Küsel K. (2002) Potential remobilization of toxic anions during the reduction of arsenated and chromated schwertmannite by the dissimilatory Fe(III)-reducing bacterium Acidiphilium cryptum JF-5. Water Air Soil Pollution: Focus 2: 57-67. Doi: 10.1023/A:1019903729223External link

    Reith F., Drake H. L. and Küsel K. (2002) Anaerobic activities of bacteria and fungi in moderately acidic conifer and deciduous leaf litter. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 41: 27-35.
    Doi: 10.1111/j.1574-6941.2002.tb00963.xExternal link


    Küsel K., Karnholz A., Trinkwalter T., Devereux R., Acker G. and Drake H. L. (2001) Physiological ecology of Clostridium glycolicum RD-1, an aerotolerant acetogen isolated from sea grass roots. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 67: 4734-4741.
    Doi: 10.1128/AEM.67.10.4734-4741.2001External link

    Küsel K., Roth U., Trinkwalter T. and Peiffer S. (2001) Effect of pH on the anaerobic microbial cycling of sulfur in mining-impacted freshwater lake sediments. Environ. Experim. Botany 46: 213-223. Doi: 10.1016/S0098-8472(01)00103-4External link


    Küsel K. and Dorsch T. (2000) Effect of supplemental electron donors on the microbial reduction of Fe(III), sulfate, and CO2 in coal mining-impacted freshwater lake sediments. Microbiol. Ecol. 40: 238-249. Doi: 10.1007/s002480000065External link

    Küsel K., Dorsch T., Acker G., Stackebrandt E. and Drake H. L. (2000) Clostridium scatologenes strain SL1 isolated as an acetogenic bacterium from acidic sediments. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 50: 537-546. Doi: 10.1099/00207713-50-2-537External link

    Peine A., Tritschler A., Küsel K. and Peiffer S. (2000) Electron flow in an iron-rich sediment - evidence for an acidity driven iron cycle. Limnol. Ocean. 45: 1077-1087.
    Doi: 10.4319/lo.2000.45.5.1077External link


    Küsel K., Dorsch T., Acker G. and Stackebrandt E. (1999) Microbial reduction of Fe(III) in acidic sediments: Isolation of Acidiphilium cryptum JF-5 capable of coupling the oxidation of glucose to the reduction of Fe(III). Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 65: 3633-3640.
    Doi: 10.1128/AEM.65.8.3633-3640.1999External link

    Küsel K., Pinkart H. C., Drake H. L. and Devereux R. (1999) Acetogenic and sulfate-reducing bacteria inhabiting the rhizoplane and deeper cortex cells of the sea grass Halodule wrightii. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 65: 5117-5123.
    Doi: 10.1128/AEM.65.11.5117-5123.1999External link

    Küsel K., Wagner C. and Drake H. L. (1999) Enumeration and metabolic product profiles of the anaerobic microflora in the mineral soil and litter of a beech forest. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 29: 91-103. Doi: 10.1111/j.1574-6941.1999.tb00601.xExternal link


    Küsel K. and Drake H. L. (1998) Microbial turnover of low molecular weight organic acids during leaf litter decomposition. Soil Biol. Biochem. 31: 107-118.
    Doi: 10.1016/S0038-0717(98)00111-4External link

    Michalzik B., Küsel K., Solinger S. and Matzner E. (1998): Dynamics of DOC and DON in forest soils. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen GesellschaftExternal link 87, p. 225-236. (Non peer-reviewed).


    Drake H. L., Daniel S. L., Küsel K., Matthies C., Kuhner C., and Braus-Stromeyer S. (1997) Acetogenic bacteria: what are the in situ consequences of their diverse metabolic versatilities? BioFactors 6:13-24. Doi: 10.1002/biof.5520060103External link


    Küsel K. and Drake H. L. (1996) Anaerobic capacities of leaf litter. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 62: 4216-4219. Doi: 10.1128/aem.62.11.4216-4219.1996External link

    Küsel K. (1996): Anaerober Abbau von organischem Kohlenstoff in Waldböden: Acetat als indeglied anaerober und aerober Prozesse. Bayreuther Forum Ökologie, 32:1-146External link. (Non peer-reviewed)


    Küsel K. and Drake H. L. (1995) Effects of environmental parameters on the formation and turnover of acetate by forest soils. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 61: 3667-3675.
    Doi: 10.1128/aem.61.10.3667-3675.1995External link

    Pecher K., Küsel K., Fischer U. and Herrmann R. (1995) Reductive dehalogenation of chlorinated hydrocarbons during anaerobic stabilization of municipal wastes. Acta Hydrochim. Hydrobiol. 23: 271-279. Doi: 10.1002/aheh.19950230605External link


    Drake H. L., Daniel S. L., Matthies C. and Küsel K. (1994) Acetogenesis: Reality in the Laboratory, Uncertainty Elsewhere. In: Drake, H.L. (eds) Acetogenesis. Chapman & Hall Microbiology Series. Springer, Boston, MA. Doi: 10.1007/978-1-4615-1777-1_10External link

    Küsel K. and Drake H. L. (1994) Acetate synthesis in soil from a Bavarian beech forest. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 60: 1370-1373. Doi:10.1128/aem.60.4.1370-1373.1994External link


    Pecher K., Fischer U. and Küsel K. (1993) Reduktive Dehalogenierung von Chlorkohlenwasserstoffen während der Mülldiagenese. In: Thome-Kozmiensky K. J. (ed.), Biogas: Anaerobentechnik in der Abfalltechnik. EF-Verlag für Energie- und Umwelttechnik GmbH, Berlin.


    Küsel K. (1992): Reduktive Dehalogenierung chloraromatischer Verbindungen in Müllsickerwasser unter Berücksichtigung des Einflusses alternativer Elektronenakzeptoren, Diplomarbeit, Universität Bayreuth