Application form: Form sheets
Where do I find form sheets?
- You can download application forms on this page (--> Information of the Study and Examination Office).
I cannot find a form sheet for my request. What do I have to do?
- Please write an informal application (see down below "Informal application")
Application form: Informal applications (without form sheet)
What should be taken into account when creating it?
- Form:
- PDF document or (physical) letter
- written electronically (readability / clearness)
- Personal information needed:
- full name
- matriculation number (six digits)
- study programme
- contact data: e-mail-address, postal address and telephone number
- Exam information needed:
- module name
- examination number (usually six digits)
- examination date, examination attempt (1., 2., 3. attempt of the examination)
- name of the examiner
- Formal requirements:
- Explain the reasons for your application, so that the exam office / the dean of student affairs / the examination committee will be able to understand what happend.
- Add an accurate information about what you intend to achieve with your application.
- Enclose adequate proofs.
- The application is only valid with your handwritten signature!
- Submission:
- compare next part (submission of and work on applications)
- Form:
Submission of and work on applications
Submission of applications: What has to be considered?
- Applications always need to be personally signed by the applicant (independent from the form of the application)
- As a rule, submission is possible either as an original or electronically: Please choose one form of submission (repeated, multiple submission of the same application increases the processing effort and usually generates additional need for clarification). If original documents are required after an electronic submission, we will inform you of this.
- Certificates and transcripts (e.g. for recognitions) need to be submitted as an original.
- We recommend to keep a copy of the filled application form for yourself and your documents.
- Please stick to submission deadlines.
What are the submission options for original submission?
- Sending it by post*
- Dropping it in the deadline letter box of the University*
- Dropping it in the letter box in the floor of the Study and Examination Office (opening times of the building weekdays from 07:00 a.m. to 6 p.m.)
*Please note on the correct addressing of the sended documtens: Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Study and Examination Office, Bachstr. 18k, 07743 Jena, Germany.
What needs addtionally to be considered when submitting an application electronically?
The following requirements must be met for an application to be submitted electronically:
- the applications is personally signed (printed/signed/scanned)
- the application is sent from the university e-mail account (mandatory due to data security reasons)
- the application and attachments are sent in PDF format (please merge all documents to one file)
When will my application be processed?
- Applications will usually be processed within 14 days.
- Please consider that - depending on the subject of the application - it may need additional time for investigations, queries or decisions by the responsible exam committee.
- During this time, we kindly ask you to refrain from early enquiries regarding the processing status. This will help us to shorten the proceeding time.
Do I get a feedback?
- If your applition is about one or several examination(s), you can easily control the processing status in your Friedolin. In those cases we usually do not give a feedback about the approval of your application (e.g. withdrawal by medical attestation).
- You will only get a feedback when special hints like need to be given or your requests need to be answered in writing (e.g. rejections).
- If you state that there's no solution for you concern after a certain time, you're welcome to ask the responsible coworker (comp. www.bio.uni-jena.de/en/spa)External link for the current processing status.
Examinations - the most important at a glance
Where can I find important information about examination regulations?
Information on examinations and examination regulations are available in several places. These are:
- Examination regulations (stick on the correct PO-version! information relating to examination law)
- Study regulations (general information about the programme as well as the most important precondidations)
- Module catalogue as well as module descriptions (most recent version: see online module catalogue in Friedolin; Information to preconditions for participation, dependencies, forms and numbers of exams per modules)
Published statutes can also be found in the university's announcements and, depending on the PO version, on the homepage of the Office of Studies and Examinations. You will find further links here: Link to the website of the Study and Examination Office.
Please note that the legally binding documents are German versions of the study and examination regulations as well as the module catalogue of your degree programme.
In addition to these information the Study and Examination Office of the Faculty of Biological Sciences regularly sends over e-mail announcements that sum up the most important rules and give note to current issues (e.g. exact date of exam registration deadlines, changes due to the pandemics).
What applies in general to exam registration?
- Examination registration takes place electronically after logging into Friedolin under "Register/Deregister Examinations" or via a paper registration (e.g. specialisation modules, additional module, thesis).
- Registration begins each semester with the 1st day of lectures and ends after 10 weeks.
- The initial registration is non-binding until the expiry of the 10-week registration/deregistration period. As soon as the registration/deregistration period has expired, the registration is binding - that means, you are obliged to take the complete examinations of a module until the next possible date; withdrawals are exclusively valid for the very next examination date to take place.
- You must always have registered before taking the examination in question. Therefore, always check carefully whether you are really registered for all the exams you want to take (see Friedolin / "My exams").
How many examination attempts are there per semester?
Two examination attempts can be taken each semester. For internships and excursions, in deviation from this, only one attempt per semester may be offered. Term 01 usually takes place at the end or shortly after the end of the lecture period; the examinations of Term 02 usually take place at the end of the lecture-free period or at the beginning of the following semester. The examinations of term 02 should be completed by the second week of the lecture period of the following semester.
What generally applies to a deregistration resp. withdrawal?
- A deregistration (=exams shall be dropped at all or postponed to a latter semester) from an examination that has been registered for the first time is possible without obligation (=without giving reasons / without permanent obligations) until the end of the 10-week withdrawal period - provided that no partial examinations have yet been taken (applies above all to internships that run parallel to the semester!). For modules that take place completely during the lecture free period, deviating rules may apply.
- A withdrawal (=excuse only for the very next trial to take place) in running examination procedures (=exams that are re-registered from former trials or semesters) or after the 10-week deregistration period run out is only possible for valid reasons (e.g. for acute health reasons, upon informal request with supporting documents). A withdrawal must always be officially applied for (informal application; compare obove!) in good time before the examination.
What is the general rule for re-eximations?
- Each examination (except for the thesis) may be repeated twice (=a total of 3 examination attempts per examination).
- Registration for the next re-examination is usually automatic.
- Withdrawal is only possible with a valid reason.
What do I have to bear in mind if I take an exam?
If you take an examination, you automatically declare yourself capable to take the examination. If you feel sick or if there are atypical circumstances that reduce your performance, you must report this immediately. If necessary, contact the examiners directly and get in touch with the Study and Examination Office. The examination result of an registered examination taken is always valid.
When and how do I apply for a hardship case?
An application for recognition of a hardship case can be submitted if you are confronted with a hardship situation. The most important characteristic of a hardship situation is the existence of an atypical performance-reducing circumstance in which you have fallen through no fault of your own. The following applies:
- The application must be submitted informally in writing as soon as possible.
- The reasons asserted must be made credible with appropriate evidence.
Form of examination
In which form do I have to take the examinations?
The form of the module examination or its combination can be found in the module descriptions. The form of the re-examination can deviate from the form specified in the module catalogue. The decision on this is made by the module coordinator.
Can I change the form of an examination?
A change of the examination form is possible in special exceptional cases in the third attempt only - and can be applied for at the Study and Examination Office. The following requirements must be met:
- an informal application must be submitted
- a reason must be given which makes it credible that the change of the form of the examination is necessary
- The change of the examination form must be agreed with the examiner in charge. The examiner confirms his/her agreement by stamping and signing the informal written application.
- The agreed examination date must be announced with the application.
- The application must be submitted to the Study and Examination Office at least 14 days before the regular or agreed examination date.
Registration of classes and examinations
Registration in Friedolin: Class vs. examination: What does apply?
Friedolin offers two different types of registration, which are often mixed up with regard to participation in examinations. We therefore begin this section with a comparison of the registration types and their characteristics (also comp.: FAQ: Friedolin)
1.) Registration for classes:
The semester change takes place approximately 2 months before the start of the new lecture period. Friedolin will then show you the coming semester; you can take your classes from this point onwards.
Please note:
- This registration is recommended so that you can access Moodle courses, lecturers can reach out to all participants quickly and easily, you are automatically informed about changes of dates. This registration is very helpful, but as a matter of fact usually optional.
- In terms of timing, registration should take place before the start of lecture period, but can also be made up for long into the current semester. If you have missed the automatic allocation of places, one of the listed lecturers must admit you manually after your registration so that you receive all the information or access to Moodle.
- After logging into Friedolin, the enrolment can be done either via
- Apply for modules (only for modules in your own module catalogue) or
- directly in the schedule of classes via the button "apply / cancel application" for each course displayed
- The enrolment can only be conducted by yourself. Third-party registration (e.g. by lecturers or the Study and Examination Office) is technically unavailable.
- After registration you will n o t receive an automatic confirmation of your class registration.
- You can check your registration via the menu item: "My lectures".
- No obligation can arise from admission to a class: In particular, participation in the class never automatically entitles the student to take an examination. However, participation may be a prerequisite for admission to an examination (e.g. in seminars, exercises, excursions, practical courses).
- Deregistration, if desired, can only be carried out independently; for this purpose, the same deregistration method must be chosen as was chosen for registration. Deregistration by third parties (e.g. by lecturers or the Study and Examination Office) is technically impossible.
2.) Registration for examinations:
The registration period for examinations begins with a time delay to the class registration always directly on the first day of the new lecture period and ends 10 weeks after the start of lecture period. Informations will be sent over by the Study and Examination Office when the semester starts and shortly before the deadline ends.
Please note:
- This registration is mandatory if you wish to take an examination. This serves to ensure your eligibility to take the examination, equal treatment with regard to the required examination attempts and, of course, the recording of your examination results.
- In terms of timing, registration must take place at or after the start of lecture period, but can be made up to the end of the registration deadline.
- Registration takes place either
- electronically on your own after logging into Friedolin (for most modules of your own module catalogue) or
- analogue via application form of the Study and Examination Office of the Faculty of Biological Sciences (e.g. project/specialisation modules, theses, additional modules, etc.)
- After registration you will receive an automatic confirmation of your registration.
- You can check your registration via the menu item: "My exams".
- After the registration deadline has passed, an examination registration leads to an obligation to take the examination and complete the module.
- Deregistration, if desired, must be done independently and until the registration deadline ends; see also "Deregistration from examinations and withdrawal" down below. Important in this context: Examiners have no technical influence on the registration or deregistration of examinations. The contact for questions and problems in this context is therefore always the Study and Examination Office.
How do I register for an examination? What deadlines must be observed?
Registration and deadlines:
- Instructions on how to register/deregister for exams can be downloaded here.
- Both the electronic examination registration (modules of your module catalogue) and the analogue examination registration of special modules (see below) must take place within 10 weeks after the start of lectures, but in any case before the first partial examination in a module (if this takes place before the end of the 10-weeks-period); up to this point, independent deregistration is possible directly via Friedolin without giving any reasons. After expiry of this deadline, the registration is considered binding.
- Exceptions to registration deadlines can be found directly at the examination under "Register/Deregister exams" in Friedolin.
- The registration of project and specialisation modules as well as the final thesis can take place at any time - and thus independently of the 10-weeks-registration period.
Supplementary note:
Students are obliged to check their exam registrations and deregistrations themselves. The menu item "My exams" in Friedolin can be used for this purpose.
How do I register for a re-examination?
As a rule, students are automatically registered for re-examinations. Please note that the examination must be taken at the next possible date in each case.
Examination registration for elective modules, special modules, project modules, specialisation modules and final thesis: What should I bear in mind?
How do I go about registering for examinations for elective modules?
Examination registration doesn't deviate from the examination registration for obligatory modules: both are usually done electronically via Friedolin. In some cases we might use a signature list (e.g. pre-designed wildcard-modules in M.Sc. Microbiology), in other cases an analogue form of exam registration by paper application will be needed (e.g. for interdisciplinary modules you want to use as elective; also comp.: FAQ: Special modules).
How do I register special modules (Additional Module, Interdisciplinary Module, Wildcard Module) for the examination?
The registration is usually done analogously via the corresponding form sheet since registration for examinations cannot normally be carried out independently by students themselves. This is therefore done directly by the respective colleagues of the Study and Examination Office after approval of the application. Students can register for the respective classes directly via the schedule of classes in Friedolin.
How do I register a specialisation module / project module / the final thesis for the examination?
As a rule, examination registration is carried out analogously via the corresponding form sheet. It is not possible to register for these examinations electronically via Friedolin. That's why registration is always associated with the verification of various prerequisites that cannot be completely checked technically. This is carried out by the respective colleagues of the Study and Examination Office when the application is approved. Examination registration for these modules is possible at any time (=independent of the 10-weeks-registration period).
I missed the registration deadline. Can I subsequently register for an exam?
There is no entitlement to a retrospective examination registration. An informal application for a subsequent examination registration will only be granted in special exceptional cases - and then only if the examination in question has not yet taken place. These exceptions are:
- First time to miss the registration deadline
- Technical errors (evidence necessary - e.g. by screenshots or contact with the Study and Examination Office prior to the end of the deadline)
- the examination in question is still to take place
Applications for subsequent examination registration will be rejected if there has already been a missed deadline or the examination date in question is in the past. Therefore, if you have any difficulties or questions regarding exam registration, please contact the Study and Examination Office as soon as possible.
Can I register retrospectively for an examination I have already taken?
No. An exam taken without a valid exam registration must be considered invalid because there was no valid exam admission. Therefore, please always check carefully whether you have received the automatic registration confirmation for each examination you wish to take.
De-registration of examinations and withdrawal
When and how is it possible to deregister or withdraw from an examination?
- Deregistration:
(from non-binding exam registration)
- Only from examinations registered for the first time, provided that no examination performances / partial examination performances have yet been rendered (e.g. seminar lecture, participation in practical courses).
- Only possible until the end of the 10-weeks-registration/deregistration period.
- Important: in the case of a deregistration, the examination in question can only be taken again in a latter semester (usually at least one year later)
- Form of deregistration:
- for electronically registered examinations: possible directly via Friedolin,
- for examinations registered via paper registration: please contact the Study and Examination Office to withdraw the application.
- Withdrawal:
(after binding exam registration)
- Necessary as soon as the registration is binding (from the 1st day after the registration/deregistration deadline).
- Withdrawal is only possible with good reason and appropriate evidence
- The application must always be submitted as soon as possible after the reason has occurred
- if the reasons are recognised, the examination in question must be taken on the next possible date; registration for the re-examination is conducted by the Study and Examination Office (compulsory registration).
How can I withdraw from an examination after this 10-weeks-period?
If students wish to withdraw from a bindingly registered examination, the reasons asserted for the withdrawal must be notified in writing to the Study and Examinations Office without delay, usually no later than 14 days before the examination date, and must be made credible.
Two different types of withdrawals do exist:
1.) Withdrawal from an examination for acute health reasons
- In case of acute illness the doctor needs to be visited at the latest on the same day of the examination. Certificates that are issued retroactively will not be recognised as a rule. Candidates who have fallen ill must immediately (=without culpable hesitation) and clearly declare that they are withdrawing from the examination. The following applies:
- The proof of illness must have been issued at the latest on the day of the first examination to be withdrawn, as well as
- submitted to the Faculty's Study and Examination Office as soon as possible after issue, usually within a maximum of 3 days.
- In parallel you can inform the respective examiner verbally or by e-mail.
- The student is generally not allowed to take part in an examination in case of acute illness or is obliged to stop taking part in the examination in case of acute inability to take the examination. If he/she takes part, he/she automatically declares his/her capability to take the examination. A proof which is submitted after participation in an examination can no longer be recognised.
- If the proof is recognised, the examination date in question will be considered as excused and you will be re-registered for the next examination date of the excused exam that will take place.
- Please also see FAQ "Illness / sick note".
2.) Withdrawal from an examination for other valid reasons
If the withdrawal from an examination is made for other valid and irrefutable reasons (e.g. two examinations at the very same day, more than 3 examinations in the same week, further important reasons for prevention), you need to apply to withdraw. Currently we do not provide a form sheet for this issue. The application therefore needs to be done in letter form (=informal application, see above).
In this case it also applies: According to the examination regulations the candidates must immediately and clearly declare that they are withdrawing from the examination. This means:
- The application needs to be submitted immediately - as soon as the reason appears (as a rule within a maximum of 3 days) to the Study and Examination Office.
- Proofs must be enclosed that is suitable to sufficiently demonstrate the good cause.
- In parallel you can inform the respective examiner verbally or by e-mail.
If the reason given is accepted, the examination date in question will be considered as excused and you will be re-registered for the next examination date of the excused exam that will take place. Please note that holidays cannot be accepted as valid reasons.
Can I drop (=cancel) a (compulsory elective) module that is bindingly registered for the examination?
No. There are examination regulations at the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena that allow a cancellation (or the replacement of a failed elective module). The examination regulations of the Faculty of Biological Sciences exclude this possibility in favour of the general 3rd examination attempt. If you have started an elective module you are not comfortable with, the following therefore applies:
Make sure that you will
- electronically deregister (check for the automatic deregistration confirmation!) or contact the Study and Examination Office for the deregistration of analogously registered module examinations
- in time, this means before the10-weeks-registration deadline will end in the first semester you take this module
- completely, this means from all different examination parts of the respective module
As soon as the registration deadline expired the first time, the whole module needs to be taken.
- Deregistration:
Illness / sick note
I am acutely sick and not able to participate in an examination, a seminar or a practical course. What do I have to do?
According to the examination regulations the candidates must immediately and clearly declare that they are withdrawing from the examination. This means:
- In case of illness the doctor must be visited at the latest on the same day of the examination. As a rule, certificates issued retroactively are not recognised.
- The proof of the inability to take exams due to health reasons needs to be submitted immediately after issuing, as a rule within a maximum of 3 days, to the Study and Examination Office.
- The proof must be submitted in the original or as a clearly recognisable scan from the students university e-mail address.
- In parallel you can inform the respective examiner verbally or by e-mail.
- In case of missing days of practical courses or seminars, a copy of the proof is to be submitted to the docent.
- Please also see "Withdrawal from an examination for acute health reasons ".
Introduction of the electronic medical certificate: How can I now proof my illness?
Up to now, certificates of incapacity for work (AU-B), as a rule in conjunction with the medical confirmation / attestation of the attending doctor regarding the existence of an incapacity for examination due to illness, were recognized as proof according to the examination regulations.
In connection with the electronic AU-B already introduced in working life, the paper form of this certificate (template for the employer) will no longer be required as of January 1, 2023. Employers must retrieve the AU data electronically from the health insurance companies as of January 2023. The university does not fulfill the function of employer towards its students, so that an electronic retrieval of this data is not possible.
The AU-B can then no longer be submitted as proof of incapacity to take examinations due to illness.
Against this background, a form for the proof the inability to take exams due to health reasons (compare --> www.bio.uni-jena.de/en/spa-infoExternal link) has been created.
This or a similar medical certificate with sufficient information for the examination office to determine the inability to take the examination must be submitted to the responsible examination office in due time in accordance with the requirements of the examination regulations.
The information requested in the form can also be confirmed by a medical certificate without any formal requirements.
Will online certificates be accepted?
Please note that online attests or AU certificates issued by a telemedicine company (providers who only issue online attests) will not be accepted.
How do I have to submit the proof correctly? What has to be considered?
- Information needed on the proof: Sickness certificates must be clearly labeled with the matriculation number, degree programme, examination number, examination designation and examination date using the relevant form.
- Submission: You can drop your labelled medical certificate in the white post box in the floor of the Study and Examination Office as well as send it by post or as high quality scan from your university webmail-address. We kindly ask you to resist from donating it personally if dropping it in our letter box - thank you very much!
I am having a disease that permanently influences my achievement potential. How is it possible to consider this within my studies?
Please submit as soon as possible an application for disadvantage compensation. For doing so, you can use the form we provide together with our form sheets (www.bio.uni-jena.de/en/spa-info)External link.
In general, an applicaiton for disadvantage compensation enforces to contain the following information:
- Explain how exactly the symptoms of your illness specifically affect your studies and/or the required examination performances (or formats).
- Attach a detailed certificate from a medical specialist that:
- confirmes the symptoms you described,
- makes clear the extent of the impact on the study as well as
- gives a medical recommendation for appropriate compensatory measures.
- If necessary, enclose further evidence (e.g. documents from a professional society for recommended compensatory measures; approval notices for previous compensatory measures for disadvantages from other schools or universities).
- Specifically name the compensatory measures to be granted to you due to the existing disadvantage.
Re-taking examinations
How often am I allowed to repeat a failed exam?
A module examination that has not been passed or is deemed to have been failed can be repeated twice (3 regular examination attempts therefore apply: 1st attempt, 1st repetition, 2nd repetition). The only exception is the final thesis; according to the regulations (usually §13 PO), the final thesis may only be repeated once (2 regular examination attempts).
These rules apply to all degree programmes within the area of responsibility of the Study and Examination Office of the Faculty of Biological Sciences.
Do I have to submit an application to be allowed to take the third attempt?
No. The repetition rules for all degree programmes of the Faculty of Biological Sciences regularly allow three examination attempts for normal examinations (applies to B.Sc., M.Sc. and teaching degree programmes).
How do I register for a re-examination?
As a rule, students of the Faculty of Biological Sciences are automatically registered for re-examinations. Please note that the examination must be taken at the next possible date in each case.
I am registered for a third attempt (2nd re-examination). What do I have to consider?
The third attempt should not take place in the same semester as the first two examination attempts. Before a third attempt is made, the course should have been repeated at least once in order to increase the chance of passing the examination.
If you have to repeat several exams, you should think carefully about how many exams you take in parallel. If you have fallen behind in your performance to a greater extent, please take advantage of the opportunity to coordinate your further course of study in more detail with the Study and Examination Office.
Can I bring forward a re-examination?
An early re-examination can be applied for in justified exceptional cases with the approval of the responsible examiners (signature) stating the examination date at the Study and Examination Office. If it is the third attempt (2nd repeat examination) after the course has only been taken once, a waiver of the repetition of the course must be included in the application.
Does a hardship application have to be submitted for the re-examination?
No. You do not need to apply for a hardship case for either the second or third examination attempt, as the examination regulations of the degree programmes of the Faculty of Biological Sciences provide for three regular examination attempts from the outset. See also menu item "Examinations".
Improvement of grades
Do I have the possibility for an improvement of grades?
- Within the Master degree programmes Biochemistry and Microbiology it is possible to re-take a passed module examination for the purpose of achieving a better grade if this will not lead to an extended duration of study beyond the standard duration of study; the better grade is taking into account.
When can I apply for grade improvement?
- It is required that the first trial of the examination was taken at the earliest possible time point during study.
- Students have to apply for it with the respective form sheet. The form sheet needs to be filed to the Study and Examination Office within one week (7 days) after the announcement of the results of the given examination (link to the form sheets: www.bio.uni-jena.de/en/spa-info).
- An improvement of grades is not possible for practical courses, specialisation module, project module and the Master thesis as well as for re-examinations.
When does the examination for improvement of grades takes place?
- To the next regular examination date.
Examination claim / having finally failed
I finally failed an examination. What happens now?
If an examination has been finally failed, the protocol of the examination will be sent to the Study and Examination Office. By checking the student account as well as the examination file, it is verified whether the loss of examination entitlement is valid. If this is determined, a notice of loss of the right to take examinations is issued and sent. After expiry of the objection period, the loss of right to take examinations is considered legally binding; exmatriculation ex officio will be initiated.
Am I allowed to or do I have to participate in examinations of other modules after I finally failed?
- Students can participate in formerly registered examinations until the termination of enrollment ("exmatriculation").
- From the day of exmatriculation, the examination entitlement automatically expires.
- Registered examinations that the student no longer wishes to take must be deregistered in writing at the Study and Examination Office.
When does exmatriculation takes place?
please compare "Exmatriculation / de-registration".
Exmatriculation / de-registration
When does exmatriculation takes place?
Exmatriculation does not take place automatically but on valid reasons. Those are:
- application submitted by the student (form and contact partner: Student Service Centre).
- ex officio if the student did not conduct a re-registration for the new semester
- ex officio, as soon as the studies are successfully finished according to Friedolin. This information is submitted in regular intervals by the Study and Examination Office to the Student Service Centre.
- ex officio, as soon as the loss of right to take examiations has become legally binding. This information is submitted in regular intervals by the Study and Examination Office to the Student Service Centre.
An ex officio exmatriculation is always done at the end of the respective semester (that means: always by 30.09. in the summer semester, always by 31.03. in the winter semester).
Can I exmatriculate if I still have a re-exam after the end of the semester?
Re-examinations may only be taken as long as there is an enrolment status. On the day after exmatriculation, there is no longer an obligation to take the examination.
If it is a re-examination that takes place no later than the second week after the start of lectures in the new semester, an informal written application for participation in the re-examination can be submitted despite exmatriculation, if required.
Can I exmatriculate though I am still writing my thesis?
Exmatriculation before submission of the thesis is only possible if the thesis has been applied for and was approved as well as a written confirmation is submitted that the experimental part of the thesis has already been completed. The "Confirmation of completion of experimental work" can be downloaded from this page.
We would like to point out that after exmatriculation, there is no longer any insurance cover on the part of the university.
Can I exmatriculate though I have not yet received my grades after thesis submission?
Yes, exmatriculation can take place as soon as all achievements on the part of the student have been completed.
Where can I exmatriculate?
The form for de-registration can be obtained at the student service centre (SSC). In addition to the de-registration at the ThULB, the form also requires a confirmation from the responsible Study and Examination Office. The de-registration at the Study and Examination Office can be made in person or after sending the completely filled form electronically or by post. Therefore, please contact the responsible colleague (www.bio.uni-jena.de/en/spa).
Certificate / Transcript of Records
When and how do I get my certificate documents?
Please file the data control sheetpdf, 1 mb · de together with your final thesis. As soon as your certificate documents are ready to be collected or sent, we get back to you in order to discuss a meeting (for the personal collection of the documents) or confirm the postal address given on the control sheet (if postal transfer has been chosen).
Please also take into account, that 3-4 months may pass between filing your thesis to the Study and Examination Office and the delivery of the certificate documents: besides the time your reviewers need to grade your thesis and write the report, several postal routes, time to process the documents, control steps, signature collections from the dean/head of examination committee, saving steps of the final documents as well as time to clarify remaining questions (if needed) need to be considered as part of the issuing process (also comp.: FAQ: Master's thesis in the part "Grading").
Is it possible to get a compendium of all achievements or a provisional certificate?
A compentium of all achievements can be printed out independently in Friedolin as long as you are registered as a student at the university. Please contact us in case of any difficulties.
If necessary, a provisional certificate can be issued by the responsible colleague of the Study and Examination Office. Precondition is that all grades and both reports for your final thesis are officially announced.
I need a compendium of all achievements in English language. How is it possible to get this?
English compendia of all achievements are not yet part of the scope of documents stored in the system and can therefore not be issued. However, the issuance of an English Transcript of Records (ToR) is possible for all degree programs.
The difference is that the ToR contains the titles of all passed modules, while the more detailed transcript of records includes all started modules (including those not yet passed) togehter with the results of all individual examinations that have been taken during the studies.
Please contact us directly if required.
I need an English Transcript of Records / an English certificate. How is it possible to get this?
- In Bachelor and Diploma programmes English documents will be issued upon request.
- In Master programmes English documents are generally issued.
Registration and deregistration of classes
Registration for classes: general hints
The semester change takes place approximately 2 months before the start of the new lecture period. Friedolin will then show you the coming semester; you can take your classes from this point onwards.
Please note:
- This registration is usually optional.
- The registration should take place before the start of lecture period, but can also be made up later.
- The registration (=application for modules) is done after login into Friedolin via "Apply for modules / Cancel application" or directly in the schedule of classes.
- After registration you will n o t receive an automatic confirmation of your class registration.
- You can check your registration via the menu item: "My lectures".
- The registration entitles only to participate in the class; never to also participate in the respective examination.
- Registration and de-registration can only be carried out independently.
(Summary of the FAQ: Examinations and their organization in the paragraph "Registration of classes and examintions").
Deadlines for registration and de-registration for classes
At each class you will find information about the withdrawal deadlines directly in the basic data of the class - These are marked as follows with:
- A1 - Registration phase before the beginning of the semester (without the possibility to deregister). Classes can be viewed and taken; it is not possible to deregister (if necessary, please wait until the start of phase A2, and then deregister). This phase begins about 2 months before the start of the lecture period, and merges into phase A2 about 1 week before the lecture period begins.
- A2 - Registration phase, in which deregistration is possible. Registration for classes can still be made. Deregistration can only be made within this phase. Please note that the deregistration has to be done via the same way you did the registration (either via "Apply for modules / Cancel application", or directly via the class; see below). This phase is the shortest registration phase and usually ends two weeks after the start of the lecture period.
- A3 - Late registration phase after the start of the semester (without the possibility to deregister). Registration for courses can still be made. Deregistrations are no longer possible. Alternatively, you can ask the lecturers registered at the class to manually cancel your registration (="Stornierung"). Please note that class registrations do not entail any obligations. You may receive notifications sent by the lecturers via the class participant list. You may ignore these if you have decided not to attend the course and there is no obligatory exam re-registration for the associated exam. This phase ends at the end of the respective semester (approximately two weeks after the end of the lecture period). After that, registration for classes of this semester is no longer possible.
"Apply for modules / Cancel application": What do I need to consider?
- Applies only for modules with duty on assignment, that are part of the module catalogue of your study programme in your respective PO-version.
- Applies only for modules with duty on assingment with classes that are offered in the very same semester.
- Is the way students should take to register for classes whenever possible: especially in classes with automatic allocation students that applied by "Apply for modules / Cancel application" will be preferredly admitted.
I am shown the very same class to apply for multiple times. How do I apply correctly?
In some cases, the same class is displayed to you for registration several times (usually this is the case at different exams of the same module that refer to the same class / the same form of class). This is a weakness of the existing system for which there is currently no alternative display option. Wherever possible, we try to work around this display error. Unfortunately, this is only possible with limitations.
It is absolutely sufficient to apply for each class only once, even if the respective class is displayed to you repeatedly. Check whether you have already taken the same class once: If yes, you can waive the need to register again. If not, please still perform the registration.
I do not find my class via "Apply for modules / cancel appliation". What else can I do to find my classes?
If you want to apply for classes, that are:
- part of the module catalogue of another PO-version (=exam regulation) of your study programme
- part of the module catalogue of another study programme
- not (yet) part of a module catalogue (e.g. language coureses, classes that take place only once, informational events)
you can only choose to apply for this class directly via the class itself in the schedule of classes. Search for this class in the schedule of classes (see down below), and choose the button "apply / cancel application" that is shown at the respective class.
Applying directly at the class: What do I need to consider?
- can be done by every person with login-option to Friedolin (independly from study programme or status)
- can be done for every class with duty on assignment in the whole schedule of classes
- Applications done at the class itself are considered after applications done via "Apply for modules / cancel application" in the automatic allocation.
How can I find classes in the schedule of classes?
- Folder structure in the schedule of classes: Each institution of the university that offers classes has its own "folder", which is designed in each case by the department administrators of the associated institution. The folder structure of the institution "Faculty of Biological Sciences" offers two main divisions: Folders for each degree/programme, and parallel folders for each institution of the Faculty that offers courses (institutes/professorships). This offers you the possibility to search specifically for classes offered by the respective department in the current semester.
- Search function in the schedule of classes: If you select "Schedule of classes", you will see "Search for classes" above the displayed folder structure of the course catalog. The dialog behind this link allows you to search specifically for classes.
- "Browse module descriptions" (=online module catalogue) in Friedolin: Another possibility is to find current classes directly via "browse module descriptions" in Friedolin. To do this, click directly through the folder structure in the module catalogue: Select one after the other: degree, program, version of the exam regulations, module name, exam number: If classes are linked to one of the exam numbers belonging to the chosen module, links to the corresponding classes will be displayed at this point for you to select.
Automatic allocation into classes vs. manual allocation: What is the difference? What is important for me?
Friedolin offers two different options for lecturers to allocate the seats in their classes:
- the automatic allocation: The system checks all registrations at two specified times before the start of the lecture period and carries out the admissions automatically. The maximum number of participants set is taken into account: First - if available - enrollments via "Apply for moudles / Cancel application" (="Belegwunsch Module") are transferred to the status "admitted", then enrollments via the class itself. At the classes of the Faculty of Biological Sciences an automatic allocation of places is always set for all of our compulsory modules.
- the manual allocation: Admission to the class must be done manually by one of the lecturers registered at the respective class. Manual admission can be done at any time (before, but also well after the semester started). At the classes of the Faculty of Biological Sciences, manual admission is usually set for elective (advanced) modules, since participation in elective modules is usually bound by a distribution process that takes place beforehand.
I missed the 2nd automatic distribution. How do I go on now?
Registration for classes is possible almost throughout the entire semester. The automatic allocation of places only takes over the process of admission for the lecturers, especially in compulsory modules: This is an advantage for lecturers, especially in courses with several hundred participants. However, lecturers can manually correct the admissions at any time (registration in admission, admission in cancellation). Please contact the responsible lecturers directly if necessary.
I got an admission to a class. Does it mean I am allowed to participate in the respective examination now?
No. Every person with an access to the services of the FSU Computing Centre can take courses (also employees or students of all study programmes). Therefore, an authorization to take the exam must always be acquired via a parallel exam registration. It may happen that you are admitted to a course but are then not allowed to take the exam. If you have any questions, please contact the examination office responsible for you.
I did not pass the exam of a class in the former semester. Do I need to apply for that class again?
Yes - or at least this is clearly recommended. Students in ongoing examination procedures are usually registered for the next possible examination date on a mandatory basis across all semesters. There is no possibility to deregister. The obligatory re-registration always refers only to the examination itself. The class must be registered for again, this is only possible independently: There is no possibility for external registration for courses in Friedolin.
I applied for a class, but the access to moodle is still missing or I have not yet been admitted. What can I do?
If the automatic allocations are over, or a manual seat assignment is set at the class, please contact one of the lecturers registered at the class: they will have to do a manual admission for you. Once you are admitted, you will be given access to the associated moodle course.
Registration and deregistration of examinations
Registration for examintions: general hints
The registration period for examinations begins with a time delay to the class registration always directly on the first day of the new lecture period and ends 10 weeks after the start of lecture period. Informations will be sent over by the Study and Examination Office when the semester starts and shortly before the deadline ends.
Please note:
- This registration is mandatory if you wish to take an examination.
- This registration starts at the very first day of the lecture period and ends 10 weeks after the lecture period began.
- Registration takes place either electronically via "Apply for exams" after logging into Friedolin or via application form (e.g. project/specialisation modules, theses, additional modules, etc.)
- After registration you will receive an automatic confirmation of your registration.
- You can check your registration via the menu item: "My exams".
- After the registration deadline has passed, an examination registration leads to an obligation to take the examination and complete the module.
- Deregistration must be done independently and until the registration deadline ends; see also "Deregistration from examinations and withdrawal".
(Summary of the FAQ: Examinations and their organization in the paragraph "Registration of classes and examintions").
Deadlines for registration and de-registration for examinations
- Registration and deregistration deadlines are always identical.
- The registation/deregistration deadline for all module examinations always end 10 weeks after the start of the lecture period.
- Deviating registration deadlines are possible e.g. in following cases:
- Exams taking place before the registration deadline ends
- Exams to be taken accompanying the lecture period (e.g. Seminars, practical courses)
- Exams in modules that will take place completely blocked (incl. project-, specialization modules an thesis).
- Deregistrations are only possible for exams registered for the first time (at all). Exams to be takn in a re-attempt cannot be deregistered.
How can I check if my exam registration worked?
You can recognise that the electronic exam registration has worked by two features:
- You have received an automatic e-mail with a registration confirmation for each successfully registered examination number to your FSU-webmail account. Please always check carefully that you have received this e-mail. If the e-mail is missing, the registration did not work. It is best to keep all registration confirmations for verification purposes at least until you have passed the exam in question.
- The yellow-red icon "target exam" at the exam number in the area "Apply for exams" has changed. When you log in to Friedolin and open the "Apply for exams" area, and click through until the exam numbers are displayed, you will recognise exams that have never been registered by a yellow-red "talking" icon that is located directly in front of the exam number. Simply test this once with examinations you have not (yet) taken. These icons are variable and "speaking" - and change depending on the status of your exam: While the yellow-red medal icon stands for exams that you never registered for (= target exam), the light blue icon with arrow pointing to the right, for example, stands for registered exams, or the light green icon with check mark stands for passed exams.
How can I check I have registered completely for all my examinations?
First: Control via the displayed modules / exams (higly recommended)
- Login into Fridolin
- Choose "Apply for exams"
- Read (at least once!) and confirm the information and choose "I accept" and "next"
- Choose the section (obligatory modules - Konto Pflichtmodule / advaned modules - Konto Wahlpflichtmodule) and click on to the modules you are visiting this semester
- Check for each and every examintion:
- How many examinations are displayed for my module?
- Are there any modules with the yellow-red sign "target exam" (=up to now: never registered for examination) shown?
- Can I successfully register for this examination with the "target exam" icon?
Second: Control via registered examinations (back check):
- Login into Friedolin
- Choose "My exams"
- Check all displayed examinations for missing or additional registrations.
Please contact the Study and Examination Office if you have any questions.
I cannot register for my exam via "Apply for exams". What can I do?
- Check whether this exam is actually taking place this semester. If this is the case, please contact your responsible examination office.
- Check whether registration is only possible in analog in this case: e.g. this is the case with wildcard modules.
I cannot deregister for my exam via "Apply for exams". What can I do?
In these casese a deregistration is not allowed (anymore). Not taking part in this examinations is only possible by submitting an application to withdraw (comp. FAQ: Examinations and their organization).
I have problems with the online registration for an examination. Who can help me?
Please contact either the responsible administrator in the Study and Examination Office (last name A-K: fbw-studium-ak@uni-jena.de / last name L-Z: fbw-studium-lz@uni-jena.de) or, in case of technical difficulties, the Friedolin team at https://servicedesk.uni-jena.deExternal link.
My examination result is missing. Whom can I contact?
Responsible for the announcement of examination results is always the respective examiner. Please contact him/her in case of missing exam results. If this will not help, please get in contact with the Study and Examination Office.
Additional module
What is an additional module?
Voluntarily do more: Additional modules are completed independently of the actual degree programme. Accordingly, neither the grade nor the credit points are relevant for the completion of your B.Sc., M.Sc., diploma or state examination degree. Additional modules are suitable for anyone who would like to acquire more competences than are necessary for completing the degree.
Who can take an additional module?
An additional module can be taken by anyone, provided that the examination regulations of their own degree programme provide for additional modules.
What rules apply to the choice of an additional module?
- The examination regulations of your degree programme must provide for the choice of additional modules.
- Additional modules can be modules of one's own degree programme - or of another degree programme. In both cases, it must be announced when registering for the examination that the module is to be taken as an additional module.
- The participation requirements of the additional module must be fulfilled.
- The person responsible for the module must agree to your participation; this applies in particular to modules that have limited participant capacities (e.g. modules with exercises, seminars or practicals).
- Additional modules registered for examination must be completed. However, a failed additional module does not affect your studies or examination entitlement.
- Additional modules may only be taken if it can be expected that the actual studies will not be impaired by the additional achievements. The following applies to the B.Sc. degree programmes of the Faculty of Biological Sciences: Additional modules may only be taken if at least 70% of the study achievements according to the standard study plan have been completed. Beyond that, there are no restrictions on the number of possible additional modules.
- The additional module can be shown on the certificate upon application.
How can I take an additional module?
Application forms can be downloaded from this page. The following applies to the application for an additional module:
- The application for an additional module counts as an examination registration. The same regulations for registration/deregistration and withdrawal apply as for all examinations/modules. Registration in Friedolin is only required for the classes. You can register for classes either via "Apply for modules / cancel application" (if the additional module belongs to the modules in your own module catalogue) or directly via the schedule of classes. Examination registration is usually handled electronically by the Study and Examination Office.
- The module description must be printed out from the online module catalogue and attached to the application for an additional module. The application cannot be processed without the module description.
- Registration deadline: The usual registration/deregistration deadline of 10 weeks applies in principle. The application needs to be filed in the semester in which the first of the respective module examinations will take place.
Special advanced modules: Interdisciplinary module
What is an interdisciplinary module?
The simple extension: The Interdisciplinary Module (IDM) offers you a simple solution for the individual extension of the elective modules specified by your module catalogue. The IDM is intended to give you the opportunity to access already existing modules of other degree programmes and thus strengthen the interdisciplinary character of your education (e.g. through humanities (ethics), bioinformatics or (bio-)geosciences modules). Modules with neighbouring subject content are particularly suitable for this view beyond one's own nose.
Who can take an Interdisciplinary Module?
An IDM can be taken by anyone. The prerequisite is that the IDM is suitable to meaningfully complement the compulsory elective area. In case of doubt, the consent of the person responsible for the degree programme must be obtained.
What are the rules for choosing an interdisciplinary module?
- The consent of the person responsible for the module must be obtained in writing.
- the IDM must complement your educational objective in a meaningful way; if necessary, the approval of the person responsible for the degree programme must also be obtained.
- It is important that you fulfil the participation requirements for taking part in the relevant module. You can find information about any participation requirements in the module description.
- Modules of other faculties usually differ in module size (=number of allocated credits) from the module sizes used at our faculty. The prerequisite is therefore that the module has a sufficient size (e.g. 12 credits; or 3+7 credits).
- As a rule, IDMs may only be taken to the extent of up to 10 credits.
How can I take an interdisciplinary module?
Application forms can be downloaded from this page. In order to take an Interdisciplinary Module (IDM), you must make various arrangements and obtain approvals:
- Module supervisor: Please check the relevant module description to find out who the module supervisor is. This person must sign the application for IDM. This confirms that sufficient space is available and that the module supervisor agrees to your participation.
- Study and Examination Office: If you are unsure or have any questions, please consult the Study and Examination Office.
The following applies to the application for an interdisciplinary module:
- The application for Interdisciplinary Module is considered as examination registration. The same regulations for registration/deregistration and withdrawal apply as for all examinations/modules. Registration in Friedolin is only required for the classes. You need register for classes directly via the schedule of classes. Examination registration is handled electronically by the Study and Examination Office.
- The module description must be printed out from the online module catalogue and attached to the application for IDM. Without the module description, the application cannot be processed.
- Registration deadline: The usual registration/deregistration deadline of 10 weeks applies in principle. The application needs to be filed in the semester in which the first of the respective module examinations will take place.
Special advanced modules: Wildcard module
What is a wildcard module?
Individual module design: The wildcard module (WCM) offers you an individual solution in the event that neither the elective modules offered in your own degree programme nor the modules (IDMs) that can be used from other degree programmes quite fit your wishes. A WCM therefore offers the possibility to put together your own desired module from subject-relevant courses from the overall portfolio of courses offered at the FSU. This offers a great deal of flexibility, but is organisationally quite complex to implement (see below).
Who can take a wildcard module?
A wildcard module can only be taken if this is provided for by your study plan and/or the module catalogue.
Types of wildcard modules: (1) freely composed vs. (2) predefined modules
In between to types of wildcard modules have established:
- Freely and individually composed modules: Please stick close to the rules listed down below, because these types of modules require an increased amount of planning and agreement effort.
- Predefined modules: These are thematically matching classes that we offer you in the scope of usually 5LP. These are either parts of former modules that can no longer be offered in their previous form, or modules that are being prepared for inclusion in the official module catalogue. You can recognize these modules by their titles in the schedule of classes. The application for this type of the wildcard module is simplified via signature lists, which are provided by the module coordinator at the beginning of the examination registration phase.
Type 1)
What rules apply for the composition of a wildcard module?do's:
- the following classes may be used:
- Existing classes of the own degree programme
- Existing classess of a foreign degree programme, provided they have a justified subject reference
- New classes that have not or not yet been integrated into a module, or that are no longer integrated into a module.
- facultative classes
- classes offered only temporarily
- the compiledclasses must be combined in a way that makes sense in terms of content; the compilation must be approved by the person responsible for the module
- the compiled classes should generally comprise a scope of 7-8 SWS (=weekly semester hours - 10 credits) or 3-4 SWS (=5 credits)
- Special modules must not exceed a total of 10 credits as a rule.
- the chosen classes must not have already been taken as part of another module
- Classes unrelated to the subject without a justified connection to the degree programme are excluded from the selection; in case of doubt, consult your programme coordinator
- Language courses cannot be integrated into a WCM
Type 1)
How can I take a individually composed wildcard module?Application forms can be downloaded from this page. In order to take an individually composed wildcard module (WCM), you must make various arrangements and obtain approvals:
- Module supervisor: Please first decide on a module supervisor. This can be one of the persons whose courses you would like to take in the WCM; ideally, the chosen module supervisor belongs to the Faculty of Biological Sciences. However, it would also be possible, for example, to coordinate the WCM together with the programme coordinator. The module supervisor you have chosen must sign the application for WCM and thereby approve it from a subject related point of view.
- Lecturers: No matter which classes you want to put together in your module: You must have the consent of all the lecturers concerned. This is especially important if your WCM is to contain courses with limited capacity (such as exercises, seminars or practicals). The signatures of the lecturers must be obtained to ensure that you are allowed to participate in the relevant courses.
- Study and Examination Office: If you are unsure or have any questions, please consult the Study and Examination Office.
If the necessary approvals have been obtained, an important part has already been achieved. For the application of the individually composed WCM applies:
- The title of your WCM is freely selectable. You determine the title together with your module supervisor.
- The number, type and, if applicable, the value of the examinations for your WCM are also determined together with the person responsible for the module. If necessary, the examinations that take place anyway within the framework of the selected courses can be used for this. However, the type and number of examinations may also deviate from this. In this case, however, make sure that the examiners concerned agree to a different form of examination. At least one graded examination must be set. No more than two examinations should be set.
- Module sheets: For each examination that is to be taken as part of your WCM, a module sheet must be submitted to the Study and Examination Office together with the application for WCM. After your application for WCM has been approved, the module sheets are sent to the respective examiners responsible. As soon as the respective examination has been passed the responsible examiner sends the module sheet back to the of Study and Examination Office. The completion of the module can only be announced when the module sheets for all agreed examinations are back in the Study and Examination Office.
- Registration deadline: The usual registration/deregistration deadline of 10 weeks applies in principle. The application needs to be filed in the semester in which the first of the respective module examinations will take place.
Type 2)
How can I take a predefined wildcard module?In order to take an predefined wildcard module, you must make various arrangements and obtain approvals:
- Programme coordinator or responsible lecturer: As a rule, a module selection and distribution into these modules takes place before the advanced modules are taken. If predefined WCMs are available for this purpose, the allocation to the wildcard module takes place during the distribution. If no module selection has taken place in your case, please contact either the programme coordinator, or the responsible lecturers, in order to obtain more detailed information about the module and obtain approval for your participation.
- Study and Examination Office: If you are unsure or have any questions, please consult the Study and Examination Office.
For the application of the predefined WCM applies:
- The title, the number, type and, if applicable, the value of the examinations as well as the LP for the WCM are determined and the same for every participant.
- The examination registration takes place analogously via signature list: The signature list will be provided by the responsible lecturers at the beginning of the module. Your signature is considered a binding confirmation of the examination registration for this module. The same regulations for registration/deregistration and withdrawal apply as for all examinations/modules. Registration in Friedolin is only required for the classes. You need register for classes directly via the schedule of classes.
- Registration deadline: The usual registration/deregistration deadline of 10 weeks applies in principle. The registration per signature needs to be given in the semester in which the first of the respective module examinations will take place.
Supervision / topic assignment
Who is providing the topic and which supervisors can I choose for my final thesis?
The topic is provided and supervised by one of the module coordinators mentioned in the module catalogue (according to § 7 section 1 an examiner appointed by the Examination Committee). For the selection of the supervisors several rules need to be considered. The following applies:
- at least 1 appointed professor or habilitated person (PD / Dr. habil. / or equivalent qualification); in Microbiology: one of the Professors of the Institute of Microbiology and associated Institutes.
- at least 1 Member of the Faculty of Biological Sciences with audit authority for your study programme (e.g. module coordinator)
- the lower-qualified supervisor must have at least one degree above the degree to be assessed (for Bachelor's theses: at least completed Master's degree; for Master's theses: at least completed doctorate).
The following generally applies: Dependent relationships between the two supervisors are to be avoided. Deviating regulations may exist in the exam regulations. In addition, the respective examination board can make further specifications.
What should I bear in mind when choosing an external supervisor?
External supervisors are usually supervisors who are not members of the Faculty of Biological Sciences (e.g. who belong to a professorship of the Faculty of Medicine, to another university or to an external research institution). In case of doubt, please enquire about membership of the Faculty of Biological Sciences directly with your supervisor or the Study and Examination Office.
In the case of external supervisors, the postal address and and a current e-mail address of the respective supervisor must always be provided when registering for the thesis.
How do I register for the Master's thesis?
- Application forms can be downloaded from this page.
- The originally signed application form has to be submitted to the Study and Examination Office. A submssion of a scan of the signed original is allowed if the above named further preconditions are fulfilled.
When do I register for the thesis?
Your examination regulations demands you to register your thesis at the latest 2 weeks before it is due to begin. Please make sure that you meet this deadline. For further requirements and deadlines, please refer to the following paragraphs.
How is the start date and submission deadline determined?
At present, the date of receipt of the application for admission to the thesis in the Study and Examination Office is the relevant date: both dates are calculated as follows:
- The start date of the thesis: date of receipt in the Study and Examination Office + 14 days (cf. Examination Regulations § 12 Para. 1).
- The deadline for submitting the thesis: Start date + 6 months for Master's theses (cf. Examination Regulations § 11 Para. 4).
If the application is complete and correctly filled out, you will receive a notification from the responsible clerk informing you of the start date and the deadline for submission.
If the application is incomplete or filled out incorrectly, it is still considered to have been received. The correction will be initiated as soon as possible; the responsible colleague will get in contact with you. If the requirements for admission to the thesis are not met, the start of the thesis must be postponed until the application is available in a form that can be approved.
What are the requirements and deadlines for registering the Master's thesis?
- The earliest time point for application of the Master's thesis is after the achievement of 60 cp.
- You have to apply for your Master's thesis at the latest 6 weeks after achievement of 90 cp (not valid for M.Sc. Ernährungswissenschaften and M.Sc. Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften).
- In addition, the following degree programme-specific requirements must be met:
- In the M.Sc. Biochemistry all the basic and advanced modules have to be successfully completed.
- In the M.Sc. Evolution, Ecology and Systematics (PO 2018) the module MEES800 has to be successfully completed.
- In the M.Sc. Evolution, Ecology and Systematics (PO 2011, expiring) the module MEES.T1 has to be successfully completed in addition (90 cp need to be achieved)
- In the M.Sc. Molecular Life Sciences the modules MMLS.T1 and MMLS.T2 have to be successfully completed.
- In the M.Sc. Ernährungswissenschaften the project module (MMN.T2.1 - MMNT2.7) needs to be successfully completed.
- In the M.Sc. Nutritional Sciences (expiring) the project module (MMN.T2.1 - MMNT2.7) needs to be successfully completed.
Is it allowed to do the thesis in group work?
No. Unfortunately, this is not possible.
May I change the title of my thesis?
The chosen title defines and narrows down the topic of the thesis. Since the assignment of the topic is an elementary part of the admission to the thesis, the title that has been approved with the application for the assignment of the thesis must be the exact title indicated on the thesis.
Title changes are therefore only permitted within narrow limits and in exceptional cases. If necessary, please use the form linked here from this page. However, it must be ensured that the same topic is processed. Changes in the content of the topic are excluded. Title changes that deviate too much from the requested topic are therefore not permitted and may be rejected.
Which parts of the thesis apply to the page number limit?
The number of pages of the thesis is limited in both the B.Sc. degree programmes (40 pages) and the M.Sc. degree programmes (80 pages). Exceeding the number of pages may be assessed negatively during the review process. The following parts of the thesis count towards the page limit:
- Introduction and question
- Materials and methods
- Results
- Discussion
- Summary
Parts of the thesis that go beyond this (e.g. lists, declaration of independence, appendix) are not counted.
Exceeding the number of pages by a maximum of 10% is permissible. Deviations of more than 4 pages (Bachelor's degree) or 8 pages (Master's degree) must be justified accordingly and applied for in good time. The reviewer must agree to the justification.
Deviations of more than 50% of the maximum number of pages (Bachelor: 20 pages, Master: 40 pages) are not permitted and will be rejected.
Do I have to re-register for the next semester if I am still writing on my final thesis?
A re-registration is only necessary if it is an experimental work in which practical work is still carried out.
A de-registration before submitting the final thesis is only possible if you give a written confirmation that the experimental part of the thesis is finished. The "Confirmation about completion of experimental work" can be downloaded on this page.
We point out that the insurance coverage of the university expires with your de-registration as well as the access to Friedolin and every other FSU login relevant services (e.g. webmail, ThULB) expire.
Where can I find more information about working on the thesis?
Please have a closer look on this page in the section "Further documents". In several cases programme specific guidelines are provided by the programme coordinator. Please directly contact your programme coordinator or your supervisor.
What must be considered when submitting the thesis?
The thesis is to be submitted as follows:
- Point of time: within the time limit (latest possible date: submission deadline)
- Form: in 3 firmly bound hardback copies as well as in electronic form (usually micro SD card; to be submitted in a sealed envelope labelled with name, matriculation number and degree programme)
- Location: by appointment in the Study and Examination Office of the Faculty of Biological Sciences. Alternatively please use the FSU deadline letterbox or send it over by postal dispatch (see also down below).
Further requirements are:
- Signed declaration of academic integrity:
The templates for the declaration of academic integrity and declaration of permitted resources in German and English can be found here de.
The wording of the declaration of academic integrity must be included in your thesis with your original signature.
In addition, your examiners have the option of authorising certain AI tools for your thesis. For this purpose, there is a declaration of permitted resources, which must be signed by all examiners involved if the use of certain AI tools is permitted. The original version of this declaration has to be submitted together with the thesis. In addition, a copy of the signed declaration of permitted resources must be included in the thesis directly behind the declaration of academic integrity. - If written in English: German summary (mandatory!).
- Number of pages: The Master thesis should not exceed 80 pages. If it is more than 8 pages of difference, you have to apply for it and state the reasons (informal application/letter form).
- Front page: You can find an example for the layout of the front page on this page (--> Further documents).
Glued binding, clamped or ring binding: What is permitted?
The thesis must be firmly bound. Since with a clamped and with a ring binding, pages can be detached from the thesis at a later date, these forms of binding must not be used. The thesis must be bound with a glued binding. Whether you choose a hardcover or a paperback/softcover version is up to you.
Which deadlines do I have to keep for submission of my Master thesis?
The processing time is six months. The earliest possible deadline is two months after submission of the application.
Can the deadline for submitting my thesis be extended for reasons for which I am not responsible?
In the case of acute illness, it is sufficient to hand in the proof the inability to take exams due to health reasons to the Study and Examination Offce in good time, i.e. usually within a maximum of 3 days after the certificate has been issued. Please note on the certificate that the certificate is to be used to extend the deadline for submitting the thesis. The extension will be granted for the number of days of sick leave.
C A U T I O N: Does the number of days of sick leave exceeds more than 50% of the working period, a decision about the allowance to continue the work is needed. Does an illness last too long, medical certificates can be reframed as application to withdraw the thesis: In those cases the thesis need to be done at a later time and with a new topic. Anew application to be admitted to the thesis will be needed.
For other reasons, the submission deadline can only be extended if there are circumstances given that are out of control of the respective student and that varifiably delay the work on / the submission of the thesis.
In this case, submit an informal application (comp. FAQ: Forms of and work on application) in which you state the reasons for the delay and support it with evidence. In addition, the supervisor must confirm the reasons given in an accompanying letter. The application must be signed by you and must be submitted to the Office of Studies and Examinations at least 10 working/business days (Bachelor's degree) or 20 working/business days (Master's degree, Diplom) before the submission deadline. It is not possible to apply for an extension after the submission deadline for your thesis has expired.
Can I hand over my thesis personally?
Handing the thesis over personally is possible by appointment, only. Please get in contact with the responsible staff member in good time before your deadline exceeds.
What are the alternatives to submit the thesis?
If it is not possible or wanted to make an appointment, you can either drop your thesis in the FSU Jena's deadline letterbox (main university building/corner of Schlossgasse) or send it by post. The following information must be provided:
- a current private address
- an e-mail-address,
- your full name,
- the degree programme as well as
- your matriculation number
The thesis must be dropped/posted on the day of the submission deadline at the latest. The date of the postmark applies to the submission date of the thesis. Please ensure for both cases that the thesis is correctly addressed:
Friedrich Schiller University
Faculty of Biological Sciences
Study and Examination Office
Bachstraße 18k
07743 JenaMay I submit my thesis directly to my supervisor?
No. All three copies must be submitted directly to the Study and Examination Office for examination purposes. the Study and Examination Office then forwards the theses to the examiners by post or internal mail.
Reports: What do I need to know?
Every thesis needs to be reviewed by two different supervisors (comp. ThürHG; exam regulations).
The evaluation of your performance takes place via the report, in which your supervisors critically and in detail deal with your thesis. Your thesis will be systematically analyzed on the basis of formal and content-related assessment criteria and, on this basis, given a grade in accordance with your examination regulations. The overall grade of the thesis is calculated from the arithmetic mean of the individual grades awarded by the supervisors.
Each reviewer has four weeks (Bachelor) or six weeks (Master) to prepare the reports. Please note that this time refers solely to the aspect of preparing the report itself, and longer review times may be required in individual cases (see also next questions in this section as well as FAQ: Examinations and their organization in the section "Certificate / Transcript of Records").
If the reports are already available in the Study and Examination Office, you can ask the responsible colleague during office hours.
It has been more than 2 months since I submitted my thesis. When can I expect the final processing / handing over of the certificates?
After you have submitted your thesis, a number of necessary processing steps take place before the certificate can be issued. Usually, this proecss needs approx. 3-4 months of time. These steps include:
- Recording and checking of the thesis in the exam office, internal or external forwarding to the reviewers by post (approx. 0-1 week)
- Peer review of the thesis; preparation and dispatch of the report (approx. 4-8 weeks)
- Recording of the reports, checking of the study file and the study account, completion of the electronic data (approx. 0-1 week)
- Generation, verification, manual correction and securing of the certificate documents, print of all different documets (approx. 0-1 weeks)
- Obtaining all necessary signatures (1-2 weeks)
- sealing, securing of the original documents, preparing and conducting the handover of the certificate (approx. 1-2 weeks)
The processing times indicated in brackets are average experience values that can deviate in both directions. It must be taken into account that the overall process involves at least seven different people and several postal dispatches and coordination requirements. Further delays occour due to clarification needs, absence- and vacation times, load peaks of the involved persons or other situationally occuring delays (e.g. need of a third supervisor/report, disturbances of the printing technology). We do our best to finish every single process part as soon as possible. But delays beyond the regular 3-4 months of processingtime are not always avoidable. Therefore we kindly ask for your understanding.
If both certificates (alternatively: 4.0 certificates) are available for us, we can issue a provisional certificate if necessary. Please contact us directly if you require this.
My I take a look into the reports?
Yes. The insight can be done online or by appointment directly at the Study and Examination Office. Please contact the responsible colleague if necessary (comp. www.bio.uni-jena.de/spa)External link.
Is it possible to get the opinion of a third supervisor?
No. The examination regulations provide clear guidelines for a third supervisor: If the grades of both supervisors differ more than 1.3 (1.0 MMB) from another, the Study and Examination needs to assign a third supervisor.
What happens if one of the supervisors is grading the thesis with “not sufficient" (failed)?
If one supervisor awards the grade "not sufficient", a third assessment must be made. Usually, the responsible examination committee assings a third supervisor together.
In this case, the grading process is prolonged about approx. 2 months. The grade of the final thesis is the arithmetic mean of the three grades awarded. The final grade can only be considered "passed" if at least two of the grades assess the thesis as passed.