
  • Prof. Dr. Maria Mittag


    Carrasco Flores D., Hotter V., Vuong T., Hou Y., Bando Y., Scherlach K., Burgunter-Delamare B.,               Hermenau R., J Komor A., Aiyar P., Rose M., Sasso S., Arnd H.-D., Hertweck C., Mittag M. (2024) A mutualistic bacterium rescues a green alga from an antagonist. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2401632121

    Burgunter-Delamare B., Shetty P., Vuong T., Mittag M. (2024) Exchange or Eliminate: The Secrets of Algal-Bacterial Relationships. Plants (Basel). doi: 10.3390/plants13060829.

    Rredhi A., Petersen J., Wagner V., Vuong T., Li W., Li W., Schrader L., Mittag M. (2024) The UV-A Receptor CRY-DASH1 Up- and Downregulates Proteins Involved in Different Plastidial Pathways. J Mol Biol. 168271. doi: 10.1016/j.jmb.2023.168271


    Hou Y., Bando Y., Carrasco Flores D., Hotter V., Das R., Schiweck B., Melzer T., Arndt H.D. and Mittag M. (2023) A cyclic lipopeptide produced by an antagonistic bacterium relies on its tail and transient receptor potential-type Ca2+ channels to immobilize a green alga. New Phytol. 237, 1620-1635

    Stallforth P., Mittag M., Brakhage A.A., Hertweck C. and Hellmich U.A. (2023) Functional modulation of chemical mediators in microbial communities. Trends Biochem Sci. 48, 71-81.


    Petersen J., Rredhi A., Szyttenholm J. and Mittag M. (2022) Evolution of circadian clocks along the green lineage. Plant Physiol. 190, 924-937.

    Bando Y., Hou Y., Seyfarth L., Probst J., Götze S., Bogacz M., Hellmich U.A., Stallforth P., Mittag M. and Arndt H.D. (2022) Total synthesis and structure correction of the cyclic lipodepsipeptide orfamide A. Chemistry 28, e202104417

    Krischer J., König S., Weisheit W., Mittag M. and Büchel C. (2022) The C-terminus of a diatom plant-like cryptochrome influences the FAD redox state and binding of interaction partners. J. Exp. Bot. 73, 1934-1948. 


    Petersen J., Rredhi A., Szyttenholm J., Oldemeyer S., Kottke T. and Mittag M. (2021) The world of algae reveals a broad variety of cryptochrome properties and functions. Front Plant Sci. 12, 766509. 

    Rredhi A., Petersen J., Schubert M., Li W., Oldemeyer S., Li W., Westermann M.,
    Wagner V., Kottke T. and Mittag M. DASH cryptochrome 1, a UV-A receptor, balances the photosynthetic machinery of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. (2021) New Phytol. 232, 610-624. 

    Rose MM, Scheer D, Hou Y, Hotter VS, Komor AJ, Aiyar P, Scherlach K, Vergara
    F, Yan Q, Loper JE, Jakob T, van Dam NM, Hertweck C, Mittag M, Sasso S. (2021) The bacterium Pseudomonas protegens antagonizes the microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii using a blend of toxins. Environ Microbiol. 
    Sept. 23 (9):5525-5540. 

    Hotter V, Zopf D, Kim HJ, Silge A, Schmitt M, Aiyar P, Fleck J, Matthäus C,
    Hniopek J, Yan Q, Loper J, Sasso S, Hertweck C, Popp J, Mittag M. (2021) A polyyne toxin produced by an antagonistic bacterium blinds and lyses a Chlamydomonad alga. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. Aug 17; 118 (33):e2107695118. 

    Goett-Zink L, Toschke AL, Petersen J, Mittag M, Kottke T. (2021) C-Terminal
    Extension of a Plant Cryptochrome Dissociates from the β-Sheet of the Flavin-
    Binding Domain. J Phys Chem Lett.12(23):5558-5563. 

    Carrasco Flores D, Fricke M, Wesp V, Desirò D, Kniewasser A, Hölzer M, Marz
    M, Mittag M. (2021) A marine Chlamydomonas sp. emerging as an algal model. J Phycol.; 57 (1):54-69. 


    Krespach M.K.C., Garcia-Altares, M., Flak, M., Schoeler, H., Scherlach, K., Netzker, T., Schmalzl, A., Mattern, D.J., Schroeckh, V., Komor, A., Mittag, M., Hertweck, C. and Brakhage, A.A. (2020) Lichen-like association of Chlamydomonas reinhardtti and Aspergillus nidulans protects algal cells from bacteria. JSME J. 14, 2794-2805.

    Carrasco Flores, D., Fricke, M., Wesp, V., Desiró, D., Kniewasser, A., Hölzel, M., Marz, M. and Mittag, M. (2020) A marine Chlamydomonas sp. emerging as an algal model. J. Phycol., doi: 10.1111/jpy.13083


    Gundermann, K., Wagner, V., Mittag, M. and Büchel, C. (2019) Fucoxanthin-chlorophyll protein complexes of the centric diatom Cyclotella meneghiniana differ in Lhcx1 and Lhcx6_1 content. Plant Physiol. 179, 1779-1795.

    Oldemeyer, S., Mittag, M. and Büchel, C. (2019) Time-resolved infrared and visible spectroscopy on cryptochrome aCRY: basis for red light reception. Biophys. J. 117, 490-499.


    Sasso, S., Stibor, H., Mittag, M. and Grossman, A.R. (2018) From molecular manipulation of domesticated Chlamydomonas reinhardtii to survival in nature. Elife 7, e39233.

    Li, W., Flores, D.C., Füßel, J., Euteneuer, J., Dathe, H., Zou, Y., Weisheit, W., Wagner, V., Petersen, J. and Mittag, M. (2018) A musahi splice variant and its interaction partners influence temperature acclimation in Chlamydomonas. Plant Physiol. 178, 1489-1506.

    Kamrani, Y.Y., Matsuo, T., Mittag, M. and Minagawa, J. (2018) ROC75 is an attenuator for the circadian clock that controls LHCSR3 Expression. (2018) Plant Cell Physiol. 59, 2602-2607.

    Franz, S., Ignatz, E., Wenzel, S., Zielosko, H., Putu, E.P.G.N., Maestre-Reyna, M., Tsai, M.D., Yamamoto, J., Mittag, M. and Essen, L.O. (2018) Structure of the bifunctional cryptochrome aCRY from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Nucleic Acids Res. 46, 8010-8022.

    Heimerl, N., Hommel, E., Westermann, M., Meichsner, D., Lohr, M., Hertweck, C., Grossman, A.R., Mittag, M. and Sasso, S. (2018) A giant type I polyketide synthase participates in zygosphore maturation in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Plant J. 95, 268-281.


    Aiyar, P., Schaeme, D., Garcia-Altares, M., Carrasco Flores, D., Dathe, H., Hertweck, C., Sasso, S. and Mittag, M. (2017) Antagonistic bacteria disrupt calcium homeostasis and immobilize algal cells. Nat. Commun. 8, 1756.

    Mittag, M. and Wilhelm, C. (2017) Light driven reactions in model algae. J. Plant Physiol. 217, 1-3.

    Brawley, S.H., Blouin, N.A., Ficko-Blean, E., Wheeler, G.L.,, Lohr, M., Goodson, H.V., Jenkins, J.W., Blamy-Haas, C.E., Helliwell, K.E., Chan, C.X., Marriage, T.N., Bhattacharya, D., Klein, A.S., Badis, Y., Brodie, J., Cao, Y., Collen, J., Dittami, S.M., Gachon, C.M.M., Green, B.R., Karpowicz, S.J., Kim, J.W., Kudahl, U.J., Lin, S., Michel, G., Mittag, M., Olson, B.J.S.C., Pangilinan, J.L., Peng, Y., Qiu, H., Shu, S., Singer, J.T., Smith, A.G., Sprecher, B.N., Wagner, V., Wang, W., Wang, Z.Y., Yan, J., Yarish, C., Zäuner-Riek, S., Zhujang, Y., Zou, Y., Lindquist, E.A., Grimwood, J., Barry, K.W., Rokhsar, D.S., Schmutz, J., Stiller, J.W., Grossman, A.R. and Prochnik, S.E. (2017) Insights into the red algae and eukaryotic evolution from the genome of Porphyra umbilicalis (Bangiophyceae, Rhodophyta). Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 114, E6361-E6370.

    Büchel, C., Wilhelm, C., Wagner, V. and Mittag, M. (2017) Functional proteomics of light-harvesting complex proteins under varying light-conditions in diatoms. J. Plant Physiol. 217, 38-43.

    Kottke, T., Oldemeyer, S., Wenzel, S., Zou, Y. and Mittag, M. (2017) Cryptochrome photoreceptors in green algae: Unexpected versatility of mechanisms and functions. J. Plant Physiol. 217, 4-14.

    Zou, Y., Wenzel, S., Müller, N., Prager, K., Jung, E.M., Kothe, E., Kottke, T. and Mittag, M. (2017) An  animal-like cryptochrome controls the Chlamydomonas sexual cycle. Plant Physiol. 174, 1334-1347.

    Müller, N., Wenzel, S., Zou, Y., Künzel, S., Sasso, S., Weiß, D., Prager, K., Grossman, A., Kottke, T. and Mittag, M. (2017) A plant cryptochrome controls key features of the Chlamydomonas circadian clock and its life cycle. Plant Physiol. 174, 185-201.


    Petroutsos, D., Tokutsu, R., Maruyama, S., Flori, S., Greiner, A., Magneschi, L., Cusant, L., Kottke, T., Mittag, M., Hegemann, P., Finazzi, G. and Minagawa, J. (2016) A blue-light photoreceptor mediates the feedback regulation of photosyntheses. Nature 537, 563-566.

    Oldemeyer, S., Franz, S., Wenzel, S., Essen, L.O., Mittag, M. and Kottke, T. (2016) Essential role of an unusually long-lived tyrosyl radical in the response to red light of the animal-like cryptochrome aCRY. J. Biol. Chem. 291, 14062-14071.


    Eitzinger, N., Wagner, V., Weisheit, W., Geimer, S., Boness, D., Kreimer, G. and Mittag, M. (2015) Proteomic analysis of a fraction with intact eyespots of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and assignment of protein methylation. Front. Plant Sci. 6, 1085.

    Hom, E.F., Aiyar, P., Schaeme, D., Mittag, M. and Sasso, S. (2015) A chemical Perspective on microalgal-microbial interactions. Trends Plant Sci. 20, 689-693.

    Pfalz, J., Holtzegel, U., Barkan, A., Weisheit, W., Mittag, M. and Pfannschmidt, T. (2015) ZmpTAC12 binds single-stranded nucleic acids and is essential for accumulation of the plastid-encoded polymerase complex in maize. New Phytol. 206, 1024-1037.


    Schröter, Y., Steiner, S., Weisheit, W., Mittag, M. and Pfannschmidt, T. (2014) A purification strategy for analysis of the DNA/RNA-associated sub-proteome from chloroplasts of mustard cotyledons. Front Plant Sci. 5, 557.

    Mann, M., Hoppenz, P., Jakob, T., Weisheit, W., Mittag, M., Wilhelm, C. and Goss, R. (2014) Unusual features of the high light acclimation of Chromera velia.  Photosynth. Res. 122, 159-169.

    Bösger, J., Wagner, V., Weisheit, W. and Mittag, M. (2014) Comparative phosphoproteomics to identify targets of the clock-relevant casein kinase 1 in C. reinhardtii Flagella.  Meth. Mol. Biol. 1158, 187-202.

    Spexard, M., Thöing, C., Beel, B., Mittag, M. and Kottke, T. (2014) Response of the Sensory animal-like cryptochrome aCRY to blue and red light as revealed by infrared difference spectroscopy. Biochem. 53, 1041-1050.


    Schellenberger, C.B., Jungandreas, A., Jakob, T., Weisheit, W., Mittag, M. and Wilhelm, C. (2013) Blue light is essential for high light acclimation and photoprotection in the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. J. Exp. Bot. 64, 483-493.

    Schulze, T., Schreiber, S., Iliev, D., Bösger, J., Trippens, J., Kreimer, G. and Mittag, M. (2013) The heme-binding protein3 of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii influences size and position of the eyespot. Mol. Plant 6, 931-944.

    Beel, B., Müller, N., Kottke, T. and Mittag, M. (2013) News about cryptochrome photoreceptors in algae. Plant Signal Behav .8, e22870.


    Bösger, J., Wagner, V., Weisheit, W. and Mittag, M. (2012) Application of phosphoproteomics to find targets of casein kinase 1 in the flagellum of Chlamydomonas. Int. J. Plant Gen. 2012:581460

    Gundermann, K., Schmidt, M., Weisheit, W. Mittag, M. and Büchel, C. (2012) Identification of several sub-populations in the pool of light harvesting proteins in the pennate diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum.  Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1827, 301-310.

    Dathe, H., Prager, K. and Mittag, M. (2012) Novel interaction of two clock-relevant RNA-binding proteins C3 and XRN1 in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. FEBS Lett. 586, 3969-3973.

    Beel, B., Prager, K., Spexard, M., Sasso, S., Weiss, D., Müller, N., Heinnickel M., Dewez, D., Ikoma, D., Grossman, A.R., Kottke, T. and Mittag, M. (2012) A flavin-binding cryptochrome photoreceptor responds to both blue and red light in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Plant Cell 24, 2992-3008.

    Sasso, S., Pohnert, G., Lohr, M., Mittag, M. and Hertweck, C. (2012) Microalgae in the postgenomic era: a blooming reservoir for new natural products. FEMS Microbiol. Rev. 36, 761-785.

    Heiland, I., Bodenstein, C.,Hinze, T., Weisheit, O., Ebenhoeh, O., Mittag, M. and Schuster, S. (2012) Modeling temperature entrainment of circadian clocks using the Arrhenius equation and a reconstructed model from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. J. Biol. Phys. 38, 449-464.


    Schäuble, S., Heiland, I., Voytsekh, O., Mittag, M. and Schuster, S. (2011) Predicting the physiological role of circadian metabolic regulation in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. PLoS One 6, e23026.


    Joshi-Deo, J., Schmidt, M., Gruber, A., Weisheit, W., Mittag, M., Kroth, P.G. and Büchel, C. (2010) Characterization of a trimeric light-harvesting complex in the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum built of FcpA and FcpE proteins. J. Exp. Bot. 61, 3079-3087.

    Seitz, SB., Voytsekh, O., Mohan, K.M. and Mittag, M. (2010) The role of an E-box element: Multiple functions and interacting partners. Plant Signal Behav. 5, 1077-1080. 

    Govorunova, E.G., Voytsekh, O., Filonova, A.P., Kutuzov, M.A., Mittag, M. and Sineschchekov, O.A. (2010) Chemotaxis in the model organism Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Published in Chemotaxis: Types, Clinical Significance, and Mathematical Models, Ed. T.C. Williams, Nova Publishers, ISBN:978-1-61728-739-8. 

    Schulze, T., Prager, K., Dathe, H., Kelm, J., Kießling, P. and Mittag, M. (2010) How the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii keeps time. Protoplasma 244, 3-14. 

    Seitz, S.B., Weisheit, W. and Mittag, M. (2010) Multiple roles and interaction factors of an E-box element in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Plant Physiol. 152, 2243-2257.

    1993 - 2009

    Rolland, N., Atteia, A., Decottignies, P., Garin, J., Hippler, M., Kreimer, G., Lemaire, S.D., Mittag, M. and Wagner, V. (2009) Chlamydomonas proteomics. Curr. Opin. Microbiol. 12, 285-291.

    Bösger, J., Wagner, V., Weisheit, W. and Mittag, M. (2009) Analysis of flagellar phosphoproteins from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Eukaryot. Cell 8, 922-932.

    Veith, T., Brauns, J., Weisheit, W., Mittag, M. and Büchel, C. (2009) Identification of a specific fucoxanthin-chlorophyll protein in the light harvesting complex of photosystem I in the diatom Cyclotella meneghiniana. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1787, 905-912.

    Wagner, V., Bösger, J. and Mittag, M. (2009) Sub-proteome analysis in the green flagellate alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Basic Microbiol. 49, 32-41. 

    Wagner, V. and Mittag, M. (2009) Probing circadian rhythms in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii by functional proteomics. Methods Mol. Biol. 479, 173-188. 

    Voytsekh, O., Seitz, S.B., Iliev, D., and Mittag, M. (2008) Both subunits of the circadian RNA-binding protein CHLAMY 1 can integrate temperature information. Plant Physiol. 147, 2179-2193.

    Wagner, V., Kreimer, G. and Mittag, M. (2008) The power of functional proteomics: Components of the green algal eyespot and its light signaling pathway(s). Plant Sign. & Behav. 3, 1-3. 

    Wagner, V., Ullmann, K., Mollwo, A., Kaminski, M., Mittag, M. and Kreimer, G. (2008) The phosphoproteome of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii eyespot fraction includes key proteins of the light signaling pathway. Plant Physiol. 146, 772-788. 

    Merchant, S.S., Prochnik, S.E., Vallon, O., Harris, E.H., Karpowicz, S.J., Witman, G.B., Terry, A., Salamov, A., Fritz-Laylin, L.K., Maréchal-Drouard, L., Marshall, W.F., Qu, L.H., Nelson, D.R., Sanderfoot, A.A., Spalding, M.H., Kapitonov, V.V., Ren, Q., Ferris, P., Lindquist, E., Shapiro, H., Lucas, S.M., Grimwood, J., Schmutz, J., Cardol, P., Cerutti, H., Chanfreau, G., Chen, C.L. Cognat, V., Croft, M.T., Dent, R., Dutcher, S., Fernández, E., Fukuzawa, H., González-Ballester, D., González-Halphen, D., Hallmann, A., Hanikenne, M., Hippler, M., Inwood, W., Jabbari, K., Kalanon, M., Kuras, R., Lefebvre, P.A., Lemaire, S.D., Lobanov, A.V., Lohr, M., Manuell, A., Meier, I., Mets, L., Mittag, M., Mittelmeier, T., Moroney, J.V., Moseley, J., Napoli, C., Nedelcu, A.M., Niyogi, K., Novoselov, S.V., Paulsen, I.T., Pazour, G., Purton, S., Ral, J.P., Riańo-Pachňn, D.M., Riekhof, W., Rymarquis, L., Schroda, M., Stern, D., Umen, J., Willows, R., Wilson, N., Zimmer, S.L., Allmer, J., Balk, J., Bisova, K., Chen, C.J., Elias, M., Gendler, K., Hauser, C., Lamb, M.R., Ledford, H., Long, J.C., Minagawa, J., Page, M.D., Pan, J., Pootakham, W., Roje, S., Rose, A., Stahlberg, E., Terauchi, A.M., Yang, P., Ball, S., Bowler, C., Dieckman, C., Gladyshev, V.N., Green, P., Jorgensen, R., Mayfield, S., Mueller-Roeber, B., Rajamani, S., Sayre, R.T., Brokstein, P., Dubchak, I., Goodstein, D., Hornick, L., Huang, Y.W., Jhaveri, J., Luo, Y., Martinez, D., Ngau, W.C.A., Otillar, B., Poliakov, A., Porter, A., Szajkowski, L., Werner, G., Zhou, K., Grigoriev, I.V., Rokhsar, D.S. and Grossman, A.R. (2007) The Chlamydomonas genome reveals the evolution of key animal and plant functions. Science 318, 245-250. 

    Mittag, M. (2007) How the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii keeps time. Eur. J. Cell Biol. 86S1, 15.

    Kiaulehn, S., Voytsekh, O., Fuhrmann, M. and Mittag, M. (2007) The presence of UG-repeat sequences in the 3'-UTRs of reporter luciferase mRNAs mediates circadian expression and can determine acrophase in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. J. Biol. Rhythms 22, 275-277.

    Quelhadj, A., Kaminski, M., Mittag, M. and Humbeck, K. (2007) Receptor-like protein kinase HvLysMR1 of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) is induced during leaf senescence and heavy metal stress. J. Exp. Botany 58, 1381-1396.

    Schmidt, M., Luff, M., Mollwo, A., Kaminski, M., Mittag, M. and Kreimer, G. (2007) Evidence for a specialized localization of the chloroplast ATP-synthase subunits α, β and γ in the eyespot apparatus of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (Chlorophyceae). J. Phycology 43, 284-294.

    Iliev, D., Voytsekh, O., Schmidt, E.-M., Fiedler, M., Nykytenko, A., Mittag, M. (2006) A heteromeric RNA-binding protein is involved in maintaining acrophase and period of the circadian clock. Plant Physiol. 142, 797-806.

    Iliev, D., Voytsekh, O., Mittag, M. (2006) The circadian system of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Biol. Rhythms Res. 37, 323-333.

    Schmidt, M., Geßner, G., Luff, M., Heiland, I., Wagner, V., Kaminski, M., Geimer, S., Eitzinger, N., Reißenweber, T., Voytsekh, O., Fiedler, M., Mittag, M., Kreimer, G. (2006) Proteomic analysis of the eyespot of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii provides novel insights into its components and tactic movements. Plant Cell 18, 1908-1930.

    Wagner, V., Geßner, G., Heiland, I., Kaminski, M., Hawat, S., Scheffler, K. and Mittag, M. (2006) Analysis of the phosphoproteome of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii provides new insight into various cellular pathways. Eukaryotic Cell 5, 457-468.

    Wagner, V., Geßner, G. and Mittag, M. (2005) Functional proteomics: a promising approach to find novel components of the circadian system. Chronobiol. Internat. 22, 403-415.

    Mittag, M., Kiaulehn, S. and Johnson, C.H. (2005) The circadian clock in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. What is it for? What is it similar to? Plant Physiology 137, 399-409.

    Singh, A.R., Pham, G.H., Singh, A.N., Malla, R., Kumari, R., Saxena, A.K., Rexer, K.-H., Kost, G., Lusa, P., Kaldorf, M., Buscot, F., Herrmann, S., Peskan, T., Oelmüller, R., Mittag, M., Declerk, S. and Varma, A. (2005) Interaction of Piriformospora indica with diverse microorganisms and plants. In: Plant Surface Microbiology, ed. Varma, A., Abbott, L., Werner, D., Hampp, R.; pp. 616, Springer Verlag.

    Zhao, B., Schneid, C., Iliev, D., Schmidt, E.-M., Wagner, V., Wollnik, F. and Mittag, M. (2004) The circadian RNA-binding protein CHLAMY 1 represents a novel type heteromer of RNA recognition motif and lysine homolotgy domain-containing subunits. Eukaryotic Cell 3, 815-825.

    Wagner, V., Fiedler, M., Markert, Ch., Hippler, M. and Mittag, M. (2004) Functional proteomics of circadian expressed proteins from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. FEBS Letters 559, 129-135.

    Mittag, M. (2003) Molecular mechanisms of circadian clocks in microalgae. Nova Acta Leopoldina NF 88, 332, 341-351.

    Mittag, M. (2003) The function of circadian RNA-binding proteins and their cis-acting elements in microalgae. Chronobiol. Internat. 20, 529-541.

    Mittag, M. and Wagner, V. (2003) The circadian clock of the unicellular eukaryotic model organism Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Biol. Chem. 384, 689-695.

    Schneid, C., Waltenberger, H. and Mittag, M. (2001) Post-Transcriptional Control in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Biol. Rhythm Res. 32, 463-464.

    Mittag, M. (2001) Circadian rhythms in microalgae. International Review of Cytology 206, 213-247.

    Waltenberger, H., Schneid, C., Grosch, J.O., Bareiß, A. and Mittag, M. (2001) Identification of target mRNAs from C. reinhardtii for the clock-controlled RNA-binding protein Chlamy 1. Mol. Genet. Genomics 265, 180-188.

    Fichtlscherer, F., Wellein, C., Mittag, M. and Schweizer, E. (2000) A novel function of yeast fatty acid synthase: Subunit alpha is capable of self-pantetheinylation. Eur. J. Biochem. 267, 2666-2671.

    Morse, D. and Mittag, M. (2000) Dinoflagellate luciferin-binding protein. Meth. in Enzymology 305, 258-276.

    Mittag, M. (1998) Molecular mechanisms of clock controlled proteins in phytoflagellates. Protist 149, 101-107.

    Mittag, M., Li, L. and Hastings, J.W. (1998) The mRNA level of circadian regulated Gonyaulax luciferase remains constant over the cycle. Chronobiol. Internat. 15, 93-98.

    Mittag, M. and Waltenberger, H. (1997) In vitro mutagenesis of binding site elements of the clock-controlled proteins CCTR and Chlamy 1. Biol.Chem. 378, 1167-1170.

    Mittag, M., Eckerskorn, C., Strupat, K. and Hastings, J.W. (1997) Differential translational initiation of lbp mRNA is caused by a 5' upstream open reading frame. FEBS Letters 411, 245-250.

    Roenneberg, T. and Mittag, M. (1996) The circadian program of algae. Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology. 7, 753-763.

    Mittag, M. (1996) Conserved circadian elements in phylogenetically diverse algae Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93, 14401-14404.

    Mittag, M. and Hastings, J. W. (1996) Exploring the signaling pathway of circadian bioluminescence. Physiol. Plant. 96, 727-732.

    Roenneberg, T., Deng, T.-S., Eisensamer, B., Mittag, M., Neher, I. and Rehman, J. (1995) Zelluläre Mechanismen circadianer Uhren. Wien. med. Wschr. 145, 385-389.

    Schuster, H., Rautenstrauß, B., Mittag, M., Stratmann, D. and Schweizer, E. (1995) Substrate and product binding sites of yeast fatty acid synthase: Stoichiometry and binding kinetics of wild-type and in vitro mutated enzymes. Eur. J. Biochem. 228, 417-424.

    Mittag, M., Lee, D.-H. and Hastings, J.W. (1995) Are mRNA binding proteins involved in the translational control of the circadian regulated synthesis of luminescence proteins in Gonyaulax? In: Evolution of Circadian Clocks from Cell to Human (Horoshige, T. and Homna, K., eds.) Hokkaido University Press, Sapporo, 97-140.

    Mittag, M., Lee, D.-H. and Hastings, J.W. (1994) Circadian expression of the luciferin-binding protein correlates with the binding of a protein to the 3' untranslated region of its mRNA. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91, 5257-5261.

    Schorr, R., Mittag, M., Müller, G. and Schweizer, E. (1994) Differential activities and intramolecular location of fatty acid synthase and 6-methylsalicylic synthase component enzymes. J. Plant Physiol. 143, 407-415.

    Sczekan, S., Lee, D.-H., Techel, D., Mittag, M. and Hastings, J.W. (1993) Translational control in the circadian regulation of luminescence in the unicellular dinoflagellate Gonyaulax polyedra. In: Translational Regulation in Gene Expression II (J. Ilan, ed.) pp. 265-277 (Plenum Publishing Corp., New York).

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  • PD Dr. Volker Wagner


    Rredhi A, Petersen J, Schubert M, Li W, Oldemeyer S, Li W, Westermann M,
    Wagner V, Kottke T, Mittag M. DASH cryptochrome 1, a UV-A receptor, balances the
    photosynthetic machinery of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. New Phytol. 2021


    Gundermann, K., Wagner, V., Mittag, M. and Büchel, C. (2019) Fucoxanthin-chlorophyll protein complexes of the centric diatom Cyclotella meneghiniana differ in Lhcx1 and Lhcx6_1 content. Plant Physiol. doi: 10.1104/pp.18.01363


    Li, W., Flores, D.C., Füßel, J., Euteneuer, J., Dathe, H., Zou, Y., Weisheit, W., Wagner, V., Petersen, J. and Mittag, M. (2018) A musahi splice variant and its interaction partners influence temperature acclimation in Chlamydomonas. Plant Physiol. 178, 1489-1506.


    Brawley, S.H., Blouin, N.A., Ficko-Blean, E., Wheeler, G.L.,, Lohr, M., Goodson, H.V., Jenkins, J.W., Blamy-Haas, C.E., Helliwell, K.E., Chan, C.X., Marriage, T.N., Bhattacharya, D., Klein, A.S., Badis, Y., Brodie, J., Cao, Y., Collen, J., Dittami, S.M., Gachon, C.M.M., Green, B.R., Karpowicz, S.J., Kim, J.W., Kudahl, U.J., Lin, S., Michel, G., Mittag, M., Olson, B.J.S.C., Pangilinan, J.L., Peng, Y., Qiu, H., Shu, S., Singer, J.T., Smith, A.G., Sprecher, B.N., Wagner, V., Wang, W., Wang, Z.Y., Yan, J., Yarish, C., Zäuner-Riek, S., Zhujang, Y., Zou, Y., Lindquist, E.A., Grimwood, J., Barry, K.W., Rokhsar, D.S., Schmutz, J., Stiller, J.W., Grossman, A.R. and Prochnik, S.E. (2017) Insights into the red algae and eukaryotic evolution from the genome of Porphyra umbilicalis (Bangiophyceae, Rhodophyta). Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 114, E6361-E6370.

    Büchel, C., Wilhelm, C., Wagner, V. and Mittag, M. (2017) Functional proteomics of light-harvesting complex proteins under varying light-conditions in diatoms. J. Plant Physiol. 217, 38-43.


    Eitzinger, N., Wagner, V., Weisheit, W., Geimer, S., Boness, D., Kreimer, G. and Mittag, M. (2015) Proteomic analysis of a fraction with intact eyespots of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and assignment of protein methylation. Front. Plant Sci. 6, 1085.


    Bösger, J., Wagner, V., Weisheit, W. and Mittag, M. (2014) Comparative phosphoproteomics to identify targets of the clock-relevant casein kinase 1 in C. reinhardtii Flagella.  Meth. Mol. Biol. 1158, 187-202.


    Filonova, A., Haemsch, P., Gebauer, C., Weisheit. W. and Wagner, V. (2013) Protein disulfide isomerase 2 of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is involved in circadian rhythm regulation. Mol Plant. 6, 1503-1517.


    Bösger, J., Wagner, V., Weisheit, W. and Mittag, M. (2012) Application of phosphoproteomics to find targets of casein kinase 1 in the flagellum of Chlamydomonas. Int. J. Plant Gen. 2012:581460.

    1997 - 2009

    Rolland, N., Atteia, A., Decottignies, P., Garin, J., Hippler, M., Kreimer, G., Lemaire, S.D., Mittag, M. and Wagner, V. (2009) Chlamydomonas proteomics. Curr. Opin. Microbiol. 12, 285-291.

    Bösger, J., Wagner, V., Weisheit, W. and Mittag, M. (2009) Analysis of flagellar phosphoproteins from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Eukaryot. Cell 8, 922-932.

    Wagner, V., Bösger, J. and Mittag, M. (2009) Sub-proteome analysis in the green flagellate alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Basic Microbiol. 49, 32-41.

    Wagner, V. and Mittag, M. (2009) Probing circadian rhythms in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii by functional proteomics. Methods Mol. Biol. 479, 173-188.

    Wagner, V., Kreimer, G. and Mittag, M. (2008) The power of functional proteomics: Components of the green algal eyespot and its light signaling pathway(s). Plant Sign. & Behav. 3, 1-3.

    Wagner, V., Ullmann, K., Mollwo, A., Kaminski, M., Mittag, M. and Kreimer, G. (2008)The phosphoproteome of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii eyespot fraction includes key proteins of the light signaling pathway. Plant Physiol. 146, 772-788.

    Schmidt, M., Geßner, G., Luff, M., Heiland, I., Wagner, V., Kaminski, M., Geimer, S., Eitzinger, N., Reißenweber, T., Voytsekh, O., Fiedler, M., Mittag, M., Kreimer, G. (2006) Proteomic analysis of the eyespot of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii provides novel insights into its components and tactic movements. Plant Cell 18, 1908-1930.

    Wagner, V., Geßner, G., Heiland, I., Kaminski, M., Hawat, S., Scheffler, K. and Mittag, M. (2006) Analysis of the phosphoproteome of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii provides new insight into various cellular pathways. Eukaryotic Cell 5, 457-468.

    Wagner, V., Geßner, G. and Mittag, M. (2005) Functional proteomics: a promising approach to find novel components of the circadian system. Chronobiol. Internat. 22, 403-415.

    Zhao, B., Schneid, C., Iliev, D., Schmidt, E.-M., Wagner, V., Wollnik, F. and Mittag, M. (2004) The circadian RNA-binding protein CHLAMY 1 represents a novel type heteromer of RNA recognition motif and lysine homolotgy domain-containing subunits. Eukaryotic Cell 3, 815-825.

    Wagner, V., Fiedler, M., Markert, Ch., Hippler, M. and Mittag, M. (2004) Functional proteomics of circadian expressed proteins from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. FEBS Letters 559, 129-135.

    Mittag, M. and Wagner, V. (2003) The circadian clock of the unicellular eukaryotic model organism Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Biol. Chem. 384, 689-695.

    Wagner, V. (2000) Die Eisenchelat-Reduktase aus Plasmamembranen von Spinatblättern: Charakterisierung und partielle Aufreinigung. Dissertation, Fachbereich Biologie der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt.

    Bickel-Sandkötter, S., Wagner V. and Schumann, D. (1998) ATP-synthesis in archaea: Structure-function relations of the halobacterial A-ATPase. Photosynthesis Research 57, 335-345.

    Steinert, K., Wagner, V., Kroth-Pancic, P.G. and Bickel-Sandkötter, S. (1997) Characterization and Subunit Structure of the ATP Synthase of the Halophilic Archeon Haloferax volcanii and Organization of the ATP Synthase Genes. Biol. Chem. 272, 6261-6269.